I am extremely disappointed in my therapist. I started working with a therapist 3 years ago, my ex husband started working with her first and felt she was a top tier therapist and since I needed considerable help (according to him), only the best of the best therapists could heal me. We did both individuals counseling with her and also couples. Seemingly, the couples therapy just didn’t get us anywhere. I wanted to continue it but my ex husband fell off the wagon since he felt that my issues were more individual problems than couples problems. So anyway, I continued working with her. During this 3 year period, I felt that I voiced many concerns about my ex’s behavior towards me and my daughter, questioned his mental health and the therapist always validated me and confirmed that his behaviors were abusive and he potentially was going through psychosis. I was under the impression that everything I was telling her was being addressed with him as well. However, nothing was changing in our relationship - things just progressively got worse. The other day, I was dropping my daughter off to my ex’s place where my ex got extremely aggressive and intimidating towards me. This was the first time I could describe him as a complete monster. I called the therapist right away and shared my concerns for my wellbeing as well as concerns for his mental state. She assured me she would check on him and at this point tell him straight up that he needs medication and to see a psychiatrist. I felt relieved that she was finally going to be direct with him. Coincidentally, after the interaction with my ex, my ex for some reason sent me the recording of the therapist talking to him. I was completely blown away that the therapist did NOT advocate for me at all in front of him, let alone mention anything about suggesting him to take medication or see a psychiatrist. In fact, she validated his getting in my face, raising his finger at me and his voice and said that it was my responsibility to leave the situation if I felt it was unsafe and that she had NO concerns about my ex being a threat in any way. The rest of the convo my ex was calling me a effing bitch, how I was a diseased woman, that he just want me dead, and at no point does the therapist call him out on saying any of those things. I feel extremely gaslit by both my ex and now the therapist who I trusted was helping me for the past 3 years. I want to confront her about this but don’t know how without sharing that my ex sent me a recording of their conversation and that I will likely be made out to look like the crazy one in this whole mess. Am I misunderstanding the therapist’s role here or is my disappointment justified?