Guest comes up to me and this is the conversation.

Guest: So we dropped our key through the gap in the elevator door.

Me: Oh, don't worry, I got you. You're not the first and you won't be the last.

I go to get them a new room key when they stop me.

Guest: It wasn't our room key, it was our car keys.

Me: Uhhhhhhhhhhh, what?

Guest: Yeah, it was our car key and house keys that fell.

Me: Ok, let me call our engineers and see what we can do.

I called both engineers, the first one wasn't sure if there was a way and told me to call the head one. Head engineer said not unless we call a tech from the elevator company which has offices over 3 hours away and would cost us thousands in overtime fees, so head engineer says he's not paying for them to come out for a set of keys. Thankfully the guest called her mom who has her spare set and said they will drive the 4 hours to bring them tomorrow.