In December 2023, I had a fun idea to build and launch a product in 2 hours. So, I put the challenge on my Twitter along with the product idea: "A job board for AI"

As AI is gaining the hype and becoming mainstream, I thought it totally makes sense to have a dedicated job board for AI.

As I have challenged, I built the job board in 2 hours and put it on my Twitter. It received a warm welcome from the Twitter community. Robert Scoble (AI influenecer with >500k followers) shared the project on his account. AI newsletters also began to pickup this story in their issues including Ben's Bites, AI Valley, etc.

So, I got a good traffic from the job seekers side.

Link if you want to check the site:

However, it took me nearly 1.5 months to make the first dollar with this project. Now after around 5 months, I am able to pass $500 in revenue. I know this is not much but it brings joy to think someone is paying for something you created.

I share all my indie hacking journey publicly here on Reddit and Twitter. You can find my previous stories in my history. And I wanted to share this milestone as well.

If you have any questions about running a job board business, I would be happy to answer. Thank you.