A random stranger came to the door today around 7:40pm. I talked to him with the security door closed. The guy said that his iPhone was stolen and it was showing up at our house on his find my iPhone app. We definitely did not steal any iPhone or have any way that his phone would have ended up in our stuff. He asked if we have kids, and I told him that's wrong and told him to call the police. The guy asked me do I want to go to that step, I said yes, and he left after that. Didn’t stop at any neighbors homes near us either.

Checked the playback on our camera, he got off from the car from the back seat, a woman was sitting on passenger side, so I think there are at least 3 people in the car! He got off the car with a backpack, when he got close to our door, he put the backpack on the ground and rang our bell. But he did step back a little after he rang the bell.

We are in the middle of a neighborhood in the middle of a street of houses. We were on high alert for the rest of the day, but what could he have been doing? Hoping we would open the door so he could scope the place out to rob us later?