Consider this a life lesson. A simple comprehensive backup strategy would have allowed you to revert back to the previous version easily

Indeed. This plane is not where you think it is.

He's on his way to New Delhi. Once they get over Turkey you'll see the real position again.

You'll have more than one from now on.

Last year was good year for them, they reproduced successfully.

Actually , its "the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10"

A unanimous guilty verdict. All counts. If he just said he paid off a pornstar, there would have been no case . No one made him cheat, snowflake... lol

Their fantasy flags always make me laugh.

I can't imagine why someone would say this is "so bad" . lol

IKR? comping is one of Logics best features.

Don't assume that all Republicans will lay down their lives or careers for one man.


Somehow created new tracks for the same instrument instance .

You need to create "New Track with duplicate settings" OR "New Track with Next Instrument" if you want independent tracks . You can also insert the plugin as multi -out if you only need separate mixer channels for each kit piece.


There's not enough information here to know.


He's just wondering why that Australopithecus is taking his picture.

I often wonder who they imagine the "opposing force" is in their pretend "civil war"

Compare to American Hazelnut, Corylus americana

All the upgrades and blue prints required for your starship are provided as reward

Bouncing creates a new file. Unless you moved it or deleted it, the original audio should be still in the project file browser.

fwiw , it hasn't happened to me in years.

Bees don't live forever.

You'll never "nurse back to health" a bee that's dying of old age.

If you have a Baldfaced nest near by , you wont have any yellow jackets.

Baldfaced Hornets eat Yellow jackets and raid their nests for anything edible.