Why respond the first time?

Block,ignore, move on

Neighbors get made when you have big trees because they shed

They get mad that leaves get in their pool

A pool they actually have a chiller for that cools the water

Sorry, you can’t get humans to not be selfish,tragedy of the commons

Task scam, fake job, nonsensical "work", you will be asked to put up your own money to complete more tasks.

Telling people to text instead of email for more info is a scam every time. Pay is ridiculous. Nothing makes sense.

Email address it came from wasn't glassdoor.com was it? probably gmail, that's a sure sign of a scam too

Doesn't matter if it is a scam or wrong number

Delete and ignore, same response either way. Never reply to that sort of message.

You aren't a piece of trash

Your parents are enablers

Don't let them drag you down, you made the right decision with your sister. I expect with you out of the picture she'll be stealing your mom's identity next

How did you let the landlord know you wouldn't be renewing?

How was the letter you received sent? Certified mail or return receipt or plain old first class mail.

If you have no evidence other than your memory as evidence you aren't likely to win. If you aren't likely to win you can try contacting the law firm to see if you can settle the case and make payments. Judgements no longer appear on credit reports but someone can find out that you have one

Now how do you think they would be able to associate some random package that has a bad address with the information you supplied?

You need to cancel that credit card and get a new one. The scam is to steal credit card info.

Pay attention to URLs next time, the USPS is usps.com and not some weird domain

It "may" be against code. Code is complex.

Also depends on the height of the building. If the unit is on the 4th floor or above there is no requirement for an operable window.

Building codes are complex, there are rarely accurate answers without knowing a lot more details

Link to the "code" that says bedroom windows have to open?

If they have the "right answer" can you provide a reference to Denver's fire code that supports that assertion that "bedrooms have to have a second form of egress"?

Good luck, it doesn't exist.

Sealed windows are common in modern apartment buildings, you are making stuff up about them not passing fire inspection or not meeting code.

Literally making it up.

You have no idea how OP's building is constructed, whether it has sprinklers, .... Can you reference the fire code that supports your assertion that sealed windows won't pass fire inspection????

You get downvoted here for asking people who make assertions without knowledge to provide evidence for their claim.

There is no fire code requirement for more than one exit from "each bedroom" or for an apartment to have windows that open.

But you notice how the person who replied to me switched from the claim that "Sealed windows are a fire hazard and can be reported to the fire department" to some equally false assertion that "The fire code violation has to do with a working method of egress out of the building in case of fire in each bedroom at the minimum"

Before the internet most scams were in person, they still are if you pay a visit to some holy roller miracle healer's tent.

It is a fallacy that you can tell someone is a scammer by seeing them in person, in person makes it easier to scam someone.

Telegram, Instagram, crypto

The trifecta of scams

Stay vigilent by not using social media for investment advice and of course if someone is peddling crypto they are scammers every time

Can you point at the specific violation of the Fire Code that prohibits "sealed windows"?

No you cannot, because it doesn't exist

True, I see an account taken over and now posting endless crypto investment scams

Reporting does nothing

Clearly taken over, older women goes from posting family photos to stories about her clients who made $100k+ in her crypto biz

They can still try, oh he secretly opened it, put in a brick, and resealed it.

Here is our own video of the card being sealed into that same box.

You get a box with a brick and have to convince Amazon you aren't the one running a scam claiming you got a brick.

Too good to be true shouldn't be ignored.

Pending charges likely will fall off

If they don't then dispute with your bank as duplicate

If it was a debit card, tough luck while the hold is on your account, you just tied up your own cash. Use a credit card and all you tie up is part of your credit line


It's crypto

crypto = scam

Literally that is all you need to know

Scam, the how doesn't matter, it is coming though. No reason to wait to find out, you might find out they are more clever at scamming than you are at detecting the scam

They are taking you off the Upwork platform, they aren't going to ask for your BTC address, they will make up a story about how you need a particular wallet and give you directions to download it, then probably after a fake payment you'll be told there is some fee to release your fake funds.

I'd add, the legit WFH for non-technical jobs are advertised on the legit company website. USAA, for example,

Pretty much every job scam posted here is a work from home fake job

There are no "remote personal assistant" jobs that aren't scams

All of them involve fake checks and you expected to send money elsewhere.

Check bounces, you lose

Not to the secret service but there is a Suspicious Activity Report they are required to file