I am WNY born & raised. 28 years of WNY living and don't plan to leave the area anytime soon. I moved to Buffalo from Salamanca in 2018 and have lived there ever since. But I'm sick of paying rent. I now have two pretty good paying jobs, and I have been looking around for a house to buy.

I was set on buying a home in a Buffalo suburb, as I love the city, it feels like home, and my jobs are here. But lately, I've been looking at the housing market in Rochester and damn! it's night and day difference! my budget caps at $180-190k. The Buffalo area has real slim pickings in that range. You're essentially left to look in Sloan, Kaisertown, Lackawanna, and the East Side. Ya know, the "undesirable" areas. I don't mind Kaisertown really, but $180k there doesn't get you much. Over in the Rochester area, it can get you an awful lot it seems.

For example, in the North Gates area of ROC, there's absolutely gorgeous homes for around 170k. What gives? Is that a "bad" neighborhood? Insane property taxes? homes like that in any Buffalo suburb are probably somewhere in the $250-300k range, depending on the suburb. In Irondequoit, sub $200k homes are GORGEOUS. In Clarence these homes are probably well over $500k. I just simply don't understand. I've been to Rochester maybe 10-15 times in my life and it seems fine? The downtown is beautiful too, far, far, far nicer than Buffalos. Does the presence of the Bills and Sabres drive up the value of homes in Buffalo that much?

Should I seriously consider buying a home in the Rochester area and moving? I'd have a long commute for awhile until I find a job in Rochester, but honestly I don't think I'd mind all that much if my house was beautiful. Seems like every single house I click on in ROC on Zillow, my jaw drops because of how nice it is and how low the price is. regardless of location in Rochester. I'm serious, go play around on Zillow and just look at the difference.

Also, are there any Neighborhoods in the ROC area I should avoid, or seek out? I really know nothing about that city, as you can see.

Thanks for reading all this, I look forward to hearing your responses! sorry if this question gets posted all the time here