Im underaged and I don’t have a source of income. My dog has been sick for a while now and my parents won’t take him to the vet because it’s pricey. He is old, i cant say for sure how old he is. I can feel he is suffering, and I want to atleast try some home remedies to help him. He isn’t eating and I’m slowly force feeding him some canned dog food mixed with warm water. He has been puking slimy yellow liquids, and his poo sometimes is covered in it and has red spots. He puked the yellow liquid more i think four times today. His past diet has been boiled liver and pumpkin, sometimes fish with no seasoning. He is very thin and I can feel his bones, Also he has very thick fur, I’m thinking on cutting it since maybe all the nutrients he has been eating is going there, and he hasn’t been eating a lot so maybe he isn’t gaining any nutrients. Please help and give tips on what I can feed him or do.. I really want to take him to the vet but my parents disaprove.

edit: Hello. A lot had happened and he is now taken to the vet. And the first words that came out if the vets mouth is “Our goal is to prolong his life as much as possible, we suggest him to take ivs and we will proceed with tests” I don’t understand. I don’t want to prolong his life, I just want him to stop being in pain, wouldn’t be pain medications be better? I don’t understand. They said it was a blood bacteria and possible kidney failure because he is old. The iv stuff costed around 30 usd (money currency was converted.) This might be a small amount for you people that are well off especially in the us but in our country this is a huge sum of money already. The vet also messaged us and will perform tests, it costs 10-20 usd i think. I’m currently doing house chores and will visit him in an hour.

edit: I removed the previous updates I made since there are still people angry about it. I came to you guys hoping for actual help and advice, not to see hate and angry people. He is taken to the vet. I spoke with the vet again yesterday, and she showed me the results, my mind was blurry and so were my eyes so I couldn't actively listen. She said that some Bmu? and something else about the kidneys were super high and was one was even unreadable by the machine, she explained that it was beyond medication and because he was super old. She suggested medications he could take that could last him a year. I suggested what you guys have told me since I didn't want to prolong his life, just to give him relief and stop him from being in pain. The Vet herself said that they do not support euthanasia. She explained stuff but I will spare you the details. The vet also suggested that we should leave him there for 5 days. However I asked if we can take him home tomorrow, the vet agreed however we must still put him in iv. Thankyou for those people that have been giving me nice comments and actual advice. I appreciate you all so much. To those angry people, I'm sorry you're angry at me for defending my parents? I hate them too sometimes, I get angry at them and resent them, but I try to understand them, considering numerous things they have experienced in their life. Thet are still my parents and I hope as a human being or maybe as a parent yourself you can respect them too. I'm not sure if you guys will still notice this update but I will try update in the comments aswell! I'm sure you guys will be happy to know he is now taken to the vet :))

Hello. I hoped it was the last edit, I really hoped. He’s well rested now, and in peace, free from pain. It hurts so much, everywhere I look I can see him. Thankyou everyone. To everyone in the comments that experienced the same thing, you guys are the strongest people in the world.