Okay my update post got removed so here it is:

I wasn’t expecting so many comments and I just cannot answer all of them so I figured it would be easier to make an updated post.

To answer a few commonly asked questions;

When my husband says I always “yell” he is being hyperbolic. I do not typically raise my voice, but my tone is often very sharp and I’m not very gentle with my words at times. Not that that’s any better but I wanted to clarify.

When my son (5 ½) was making a lot of noise (he was smashing action figures together/on a table), I didn’t yell, I just snapped at him with “You need to go somewhere, please go. Now.” My husband & I were trying to talk about what to make for lunch and as the meme goes “I heard too many sounds at once and now I’m a bitch.” Action figures banging, husband talking, the TV was on, it was a lot and I snapped. I wasn’t right but it’s what happened.

Yes. I did say I want to run away and just be a check in the mail. I don’t mean it and I would never. That said, when my mental health is suffering and things get hard, my knee jerk response is to abandon ship. But not as “I can’t stand you” but more of a “I’m not a good person and no one should be around me." And as you could probably tell, right now my mental health is suffering greatly.

I no longer find joy in being a mom and I haven’t for a while. I’m not excited about anything, kid events and holidays are purely done out of obligation and I loathe every second. I’m extremely unhappy, unmotivated and overwhelmed. My hobbies have turned into chores, and chores are basically impossible. I was not always like this, but I am a bare minimum wife, mom and person right now.

I’m working on finding a therapist, but on the plus side, I just made an appointment this morning with a psychiatrist for 2 weeks from now.

I have never had proper mental healthcare, I started antidepressants many years ago (pre-COVID) but stopped within a month because I realized my depression was situational and once we got out of the situation I was okay for a while but in the last year my mental health has steeply declined. It's like once I got out of survival mode I crashed. Hard.

I DO believe I am neurodivergent to some degree, but I have no diagnosis (yet). But here’s hoping I get some answers and meds to help me be a better wife, mom and person.


I snapped at my son because he was making a lot of noise and I had already told him to chill a handful of times. My husband sends him away and then immediately lays into me. "Why are you such a b*tch to them? Why are you always overstimmed and in a bad mood? You're good at mom responsibilities, but you are not good at being a mom. All you do is get overstimmed and yell or sending them away from you. Or you tell everyone you want to be alone. They're never going to want to have a relationship with you when they're older and you have no one to blame but yourself."

Idk if he's right or wrong. I certainly don't feel like a bad mom, but I also know I have areas to improve. Just stings to hear my spouse tell my I'm not a good mom in any capacity and it makes me second guess all the times he's called me a good mom or told the kids they're lucky to have me.

All I know is right now I'm just feeling like I want to go rent a studio apartment and just send a check.

This is a vent post but feel free to commiserate or drop advice.