I’m meeting up with friends after a long time, and habang nagpaplano kami, naglapag na sila ng major life updates. For context, I’m F22, and my girl friends are around the same age as I am and lahat kami fresh grads 7 months ago. 5 kami sa circle, and all 4 of them are in a relationship. Ako lang ang NBSB- single to this date.

Friend A: Thriving sa career Friend B: Plans to marry next year. Friend C: Moving in with her s/o. Friend D: Plans to marry in 2-3 years.

Alam kong masama magcompare, but I can’t help but feel even more sad and lonely. Career wise, ‘di ako masayasa current job ko kahit ok naan yung sweldo. All 4 of them came from good families also, something that I don’t have.

Nakakalungkot lang kasi it’s as if napag-iwanan ako ng panahon. Hindi naman ako panget at masipag naman ako HAHAHAHA nakakapressure tuloy lalo lately, kasi parang ako na lang ‘yung walang direksyon sa buhay. ☹️

Edit: Went through all the comments, and just want to say thank you sa encouraging words and even sermon. These are the words I needed to hear to pull me back and just focus on bettering myself. 🤗 It feels like ang dami kong ate/kuya figure to guide me now. Greatly appreciate it!🥺

Edit 2: NOT an invitation to ask me out po. Please don’t message me para humabol sa Valentine’s hahahaha :(