My boyfriend (25M) and I (25F) have been together for 8 years. 4 months ago he recently became friends with another woman while out with friends and I discovered they have been chatting on Whatsapp frequently, talking on the phone and she recently drunk dialed him. All of this I found out, he never once mentioned her to me until I saw his call logs. I told him that it's weird for someone he just met to drunk dial him, especially since she knows he is in a relationship. I asked him to set clear boundaries but he was hesitant. I had to beg him to stop talking to her so often that maybe she was getting the wrong impression, but he still did not want to do that. He changed his password to his phone and I just don't trust him anymore He told me he'dstop talking to her but he still has her number saved on his phone so I think he's lying. We've been together for 8 years and he's known this girl for mere months, why is he acting so suspicious? He says nothing is going on but my gut tells me otherwise. Is he cheating? This isn't the first time he's done something like this either. I just feel so heartbroken because I don't know what is the truth anymore and he doesn't seem to care how his actions make me feel. Any advice?