Bluntly, I’ve been very fat my whole life and haven’t been able to sit on anyone’s lap since I was a literal child.

I hit 345 pounds multiple times, and lived most of my adult life between 300 and 330 pounds.

I’m a lot less fat now. I weigh 170ish pounds.

I’ve always wanted to sit on a man’s lap but knew it would be both inhumane and humiliating.

I really want to try to sit on my husband’s lap of it is safe to do so.

He’s very sweet and would most likely endure pain to keep from embarrassing me by tapping out if it hurts for me to sit on him.

So I’m asking, in all seriousness, is 170 too heavy to sit on someone’s lap?

What about 150, since that’s my goal weight? (Don’t come for me. I’m very very tall.)


Thank you all so much for your help! Last night, I asked him over dinner if he thought I could safely sit in his lap. He chuckled and said yes in a way that was loaded with "why wouldn't it be?"

So, after dinner, we went to the love seat where we always cuddle and I climbed on. I tried two different positions; one was kinda sideways and that was a bit awkward (for me). The other was sitting across his legs with both of us facing the television and our feet up on the recliner part.

We sat that way for 20 minutes and I'm shocked to say that it was me who tapped out. The angle of my upper body, when I was leaned back against him, was such that I had to engage my muscles to keep my head in tv-viewing position.

When I got up, he said he loved it and he hopes we can do it again. I'm eager to try facing him so we can make out.

Thanks again for all your help. I'm going to try to answer all the comments, most especially the ones that asked specific questions.