There are times I know what the part is for. Maybe a dishwasher or a fighter jet. Usually not that exciting. How do cell phone companies recycle the metal out if old phones.

During COVID I looked over records on how/if face mask and airfilters were working. Also got to see how deaths were recorded. Made presentations to politicians. Made me feel important but I'm don't think anyone even remembers my name.

I think what makes an NDA needed is that on Tuesday I cold be looking over something from Apple and then next Tuesday it's Samsung.

No, we work for anyone that gives us money. Usually the customers assembly line or quality process is lacking something. A third party is always nice to have when your own team gets tunnel vision. It's one of those jobs that's sounds cool until you realize that 90% of my time is paperwork.

But you are kinda correct. Working with places like Lockheed Martin, General Dynamic, Raytheon, etc are why we have ridiculous NDA's.

People say Lockheed and think national defense and top secret. Reality is I might spend 10 hrs a day for weeks and it's all for a 1/4 metal tube with three wires running thorough it. I have no idea what it is or what it's for. I just need the flared end to not crack on every 100th part.

During COVID on behalf of the engineering firm I work for I was tasked with presenting statistics on how COVID deaths were recorded.

I learned that almost no one knows the difference between a Senator vs Congress(person)? Even our own politicians don't know who is who and what their job is. I had to have an intern look up every person's information.

Senators Representatives

Congressman is used in a general sense but includes both house of Representatives and the Senate.

There are a few key things people tend to forget or not want to believe.

The constitution limits the power of government and is basically a list of freedoms the people have. Also note that the constitution protects all persons on US soil. No mater who you are or where you are from the constitution protects you when in the US.

The US has no official language. You aren't required to know English. You can use any language you want.

Many countries religion is controlled, outlawed or a requirement. In the US you can not be told you can't follow a specific religion. You can not be forced to be a specific religion.

Even the UK has specific laws preventing people from openly criticizing government or royalty. In the US you could literally go on national TV holding a mock severed head of the president.

I work for an engineering firm. Many of our customers have products being bought and sold in highly competitive markets. They keep even simple stuff secret. My company went so far as to have an NDA signed before the job interview. We cant talk about the interview process outside the interview.

I'm not sure they could say I can't discuss my pay but I'm betting somewhere in the fine print there is some legal talk that could be interpreted that way.

I usually just tell people I'm an engineer at a company that dosen't disclose any information about the exact details of my job.

During COVID lockdown online gaming became the only way my kids could interact with other kids.

salmon, calm, walk, should, calf, colonel,

I'm American and I'm pretty sure I say Sol-Dur

But the British often don't pronounce an "R" that is within a word. Then they add an "R" to the end of words that it's not there.

Children the "r" is not pronounced. Honda becomes Hond(er).

Okay, where are you from and what's your genealogy?

I'm surprised by how many people don't understand how most guys just plain like boobs. Literally almost no matter what shape or size they are.

Dosen't it depend on the type of restaurant? The guy in the taco restaurant will stop mopping the floor to make amazing food even if it's 15 minutes past when he turned off the welcome sign. Your average CrapleBees or Olive Garden employee hates you there no mater what time it is. So if TGI Friday's or Red Robbin sits you within an hour of closing you know they aren't doing anything but the minimum requirement to make your food acceptable. McDonald's is going to f-up no matter if they just opened or are closing.

How many teenagers are reporting that they are trying to get pregnant? It's not all that abnormal for someone in their 20s and 30s to be wanting pregnancy. But it's extremely rare for the 13 to 20 crowd to be wanting pregnancy.

However I have spent a fair amount of time in less developed Muslim countries with customs westerners aren't familiar or comfortable with. Arranged marriages generally require it be consummated. If a pregnancy is not noted within a certain time the wife will be discarded. Many of these girls are married shortly after their first menstrual cycle. If you have to stomach for it I bet you could collect some interesting pregnancy data from the Arab world.

I think I usually just dsay 6 am or 6 in the morning. Depending on who I'm talking to or where I am I would say 18 hundred for 6 pm.

I hate when people say "paid for by the government." It's literally money taken from the people. Paid for by the people.

I'm living in America and I have never seen a package of chicken that says its been bleached. I drink water straight from the sink faucet and have never gotten sick from the water.

The United States is really big. Often when in a foreign country I would say how close I live to a major well known city. I have a home in the mountains on Lake Tahoe, it's a few hours drive from San Francisco. Almost every time I speak I'm instantly recognized as an American making that something I don't need to explain.

Exercise is another. Someone close to me has just given up on keeping themselves moving. It's to difficult is the excuse. Even baby steps.

You have to just try if even just a little effort. You get old fast if you stop exercising. Both your brain and your body need to keep learning.

Not me. I don't accept those situations. Move on and get out or make a change. I'm not okay with considering bad situations an is what it is kinda thing.

Are the down votes because the percentage is assumed to be higher?

It would be nice if people had the bravery to explain there position on this subject.

I'm not answering. This is a downvote trap. Being honest with your opinions is not always the best choice you could make.

It could always get worse.

Always keep learning.

If you know you are right it's okay to end up standing alone.

More people than you realize are on your side.

Breaking away from that mental has helped me more than most can imagine.

The real truth is that things are very rarely as they first appear to be.

Because --- Freedom

That's odd. Usually the conspiracy theories are downvoted at alarming rates until the OP is blocked from responding for an arbitrary time period. You probably all received Reddit cares messages. We can't have people debating free and openly.

Reddit cares can't be removed because there is always the possibility it could help someone.