Hey everyone,

I recently started planning my Rainier climb for 2025 and am debating between a guide service and unguided climb.

I've done Mt St Helen's twice and Mt Hood once. I'm hoping to do Mt Adams this year as well.

I would ideally like to do it unguided but I would need to take a crevasse rescue course before the climb. The other issues is that, being from Michigan, I don't know anyone else that could group up for the climb.

Guided climbs seem a little too easy if that makes sense. I don't want to climb rainier just to get to the top. Last time I was at rainier, I saw a guide service teach people how to wear their backpacks properly. It definitely put a bad taste in my mouth about guides. I don't want to waste time being taught things that I already know. I also don't want to be forced to climb on a day with bad weather just because that was the scheduled summit day.

I've also had people I've met climbing say that rainier is less scary overall that hood and you don't really need a guide. I've always been skeptical about that though.

I want to be safe without being babied.

I'm hoping to get some advice and tips from people that have actually climbed rainier before.

Thanks in advance.