If they have a particularly loud car, you should smile at them flirtatiously, roll down for window and say

"Hey I think your exhaust is broken, your car sounds like shit, you should really get that to the shop!"

He also said it to her face, at the debate, live, on national television.

He literally threatened her with jail time at the debates.

He said it to her face, live, on national television, and his campaign used that specific sound byte as a highpoint of the debate. And it was shared widely.

Biden doesn't run the state of NY DA.

It would be against states rights for Biden to stop them from prosecuting

100% of what I mentioned happened before a single brick was thrown.

I agree the cops who started the riot should have been stopped no matter what. And the people did that.

Like I said, the cops did all of that before the a single brick was thrown.

Yeah if you're disabling people, gassing people out of their homes, attacking cars unprovoked, eventually it's going to wear on you. Id expect people would lash out after the cops rooted for two days. Good point.

Eh, a lot of cops are paid quite well in modern day America. For example, I live in MN, and shit Derek chauvins house is huge and in an upper middle class neighborhood in the burbs.

They already get to operate with near immunity for anything other than blatant murder.

They have good pay, they have a guaranteed pension.

They have a not to lose in a civil war.

I don't think they will risk all of that for trump.

In the wermacht sure, but the ones who actually seized power in the beginning were a lot of wwI vets. And people pissed off that they lost wwi, and completely desensitized to brutality.

The wermacht were radicalized by them, and then fed massive amounts of amphetamines

My parents gave me my inheritance earlier than I had expected.

But to be honest with you, id rather have parents...

I got my inheritance earlier than expected!!!

But to be honest I'd rather have parents.

The cops were exceedingly violent those days.

Were you there? Cause I saw it with my own eyes. I have never in my life seen a more violent police presence than before they left the precinct.

They literally disabled people, including children. They put so much tear gas into the neighborhoods people had to leave their homes.

You're right they weren't doing their jobs, the cops were functionally rioting.

Bro I have video of them randomly shooting rubber bullets at cars that drive by the precinct at night when the crowds are gone. Just shooting out people's windows.

They definitely weren't doing their jobs they were just trying to be as violent as possible with no warning and no reason.

But hey it's nice to see you agree that funding had nothing to do with it.

Thank you for admitting you were wrong! That's might big of you! I'll check back later when you edit your first comment to admit your entire premise was false.

To be clear,. stochastic terrorism is a very serious problem and very serious threat. But that's not the same was what the brown shirts did or what the Nazis did.

However, the Nazis did rise to power thanks to people being like "well I don't know about the whole race science stuff, but I think he will be good for Germany and the economy."

Exactly so with them. It took a single bullet to stop them.

I saw video of people crying because of tear gas and leaving.

Some of them were very very violent.

But a single gun shot isn't going to slow down a wwi vet. It's quite a bit different.

There definitely are already loan wolf folks. That has happened and definitely will continue to happen.

The second worse terrorist attack in US history was a right wing conservative, Timothy McVeigh.

But not an organized legit effort to actually seize power. I just don't see them pulling it off.

It would have happened already.

Riots rarely start from the top down. They start from the bottom up.

If trump was in a cell id be more concerned. It was smart to release him waiting for sentencing.

Agree on all counts.

It took a single gun shot to stop that crowd in it's tracks.

Yeah, which is funny because they got it really easy post wwi considering they were the largest aggressor.

If they were more strict about not letting Germany remilitarize, maybe WWII could have been avoided.

But yeah, we have incredibly low unemployment right now. Economy is slowing but not doing terrible.

Inflation is high. But I don't think that is enough to start seeing conservatives murder their neighbors

We are talking about a group of people who said trump was being tortured because he sat in a chilly courtroom where dozens of other people were sitting without complaining....

Eh yes and no.

Most of those people are at least in their 60's. There really are more gen x and millennials who are the extremists today that make up the potential foot soldiers.

My hypothesis on the paradigm shift is that too many of the folks that actually lived through WWII, have passed away. And their kids/grandchildren now have forgotten the lessons of the dangers of fascism

Some will yes. They aren't a homogeneous group. But they don't have the stomach for a full on violent coup. I don't see it.

Sure it's possible, history has taught us that it certainly is possible.

But I'm just giving reasons to be somewhat optimistic about what we are seeing.