My mom died back in February and left me and my brother the house worth around 425k And each of us with a brokerage account with 250k. The house sells in a month. Even with this huge headstart in life I feel pretty lost. I have a decently bad gambling addiction where I have lost 100k in the last 5 years.

Thankfully my mom was smart and guessed me and my brother wouldnt be able to handle inheriting a fuckton of money and put it in a trust handled by our uncle until we are 35. The trust pays out 10k every 6 months and we are still allowed to make big purchases with the money as long as we talk to this uncle.

Im planning on buying a condo after the sale of the house and letting the rest of the money sit as my retirement fund and hopefully contribute to it while I work. I need some advice before I manage to fuck up an early retirement.