Just reflecting on something from another post I saw on here, but for those that grew up in small towns or rural areas and later moved for whatever reason to the city/suburbs, did you feel like you missed out on a lot?

Even when I was young living in a rural area, I often felt like I wasn't getting the whole picture. Sometimes for some school event we'd go to the city and visit their schools and it was just incredible the difference. The facilities were far more advanced. Being "popular" didn't seem to matter quite as much as there was more of a chance of finding your own people. I know it wasn't perfect in the 'burbs, but it seemed that's where the vast majority of modern society was happening, at least at the time.

When I eventually moved to the city for college, it was very apparent that my experiences as a rural kid were wildly different. I had gone into engineering and despite doing very well in my tiny high school, these kids from more populated areas had already been exposed to so much more than I ever had any opportunity to. Their music tastes differed as more types of music were acceptable. Socialization was a huge shock because for my entire upbringing, I knew the same people. The only new people I'd ever meet would be new kids, which were rare.

I've done fine for myself in life, and have caught up in every way, but those college years were a huge culture shock that I really didn't appreciate at the time.

I don't mean to imply that my rural experience was somehow worse, it was just wildly different.

Anyone else have a similar experience?