I first started experiencing mult. symptoms 3 years ago at 40 and they’ve gotten progressively worse.

Most notable are : mass anxiety, brain fog, hot flashes several times a day, itchy skin, dull joint and bone pain that comes and goes, crying jags and continual exhaustion that never wavers. My home always looks like a bomb went off and to complicate things I am the mom of a moderate to higher support needs autistic toddler who while very sweet and good nature is also sensory seeking and going 90 miles an hour every day.

I am desperate to feel better.

I went to my primary care physician 6 months ago and she was totally dismissive. Said she wouldn’t prescribe any hormone therapy - only as a last resort - laughed and said the last resort is to women who are on the brink of divorce and their husbands don’t like them anymore. And besides my family had a history of stroke”. (Um yes in their 80’s)

Today I went to a different doctor - same net work. I read all the wiki info here. I laid out my case and all the notes of symptoms I had experienced and asked about hormone therapy even if a small dose or at least progesterone cream.

He said no because of the risk of breast cancer and instead proscribed me Effexor. I asked him if there is ever a situation in which he would prescribe hrt and he said no - he would not prescribe hrt to anyone because it’s too risky. At least he ordered a blood panel and dexa scan but otherwise I’m at a loss

I’m not refusing to try other things first but I have already been exercising, eating better etc and more sleep and nothing has changed.

I feel like Im existing as a hollowed out version of myself - marked with jags of anxiousness or crying several times a week as my normal.

I just want my life back so I can show up for my kiddo better but also just life in general.

No idea what to do.. 😭😭😭