The past year has been somewhat of rough year for me as a landlord. Over the 20+ years of being a landlord, we have never had a “bad” tenant until this past year.

First we had a tenant who just left the premises without notice, left behind all their stuff and never came back. I made a post on this awhile back.

And now, we had a tenant for the past 8 month who recently just moved out. This tenant was probably the worst to date. To list a few:

  • She blasts music on a regular basis as early as 9 am and throughout the day. I can feel all the vibrations and hear the noise through the floor despite being 2 floors above her.

  • She is a hoarder and often collects thrown out furniture from who knows where. These are very frequently thrown out whenever she decides she doesn’t like it anymore and my family and I have to dispose of it. There is also a lot of garbage almost everyday that we have to sort through since she always mixes recyclable trash with waste.

  • She is always asking to borrow tools for god knows what and my mom has been too kind to let her borrow every time. I’m honestly surprised she is returning the tools.

And now that she finally moved out, she decided to message us 7 am in the morning saying we are scamming her because she did not get the full security deposit back. We deducted unpaid electricity bills (2 months worth) from her security deposit and also gave her the copies of the bills which came directly from Conedison. I am bewildered at this point because everything is on receipt and it was made very clear that she is responsible for paying the electricity bills during her lease. I don’t know what is going through her mind. I just blocked her at this point😵‍💫

TLDR - I have never had a worse tenant until now and this will forever scar me. 😩