I have always avoided modern rap and hip hop, so naturally, I avoided anything Kendrick Lamar. I listened to Not Like Us because of the beef and because I have always disliked Aubrey. This song has been stuck in my head since I heard it. It's great. It also made me love his voice/rhythm/rapping style.

I am listening to his more popular songs now, and damn, I finally understand why he is held in such high regards.

Out of the 4-5 songs I've heard, 2 of them have almost made me cry and have given me multiple goosebumps moments. Mother I Sober and The Heart Part 5.

Holy shit, this man is a true genius, maestro, poet, etc etc. I truly think I have become a lifelong fan just through a few handful songs.

I am so glad I found Kendrick Lamar. His music is really hitting me right in the soul.

I just wanted to share my experiences in discovering Kendrick Lamar for the first time.

Are there any albums/songs/videos in particular that yall think I should check out?