I recommend that you, and your other children, read books by intersectional feminists to better understand what it is like to exist as a man in our current world. The keyword here is intersectional.

To start, I recommend you read "Feminism is for Everyone" by Bell Hooks. Here's an article that discusses this book further, and I highly recommend that you read the book yourself.

I don't have much specific advice behind that, and the rest of what I say may not directly apply to you or your situation. The following is pretty generalized stuff and just apply as you see fit in your life, if at all. I think your son is still a child who is a victim of the content he is consuming too. Hold your son accountable if he hurts people's feelings because of the content he's consuming, but as his parent you must try to lead with patience and love. Your son may pull away, but be as consistent and loving as you can while he is still a child and young adult. Mistakes we make can be the strongest teachings. I think you'll find the answers you're looking for in the book I suggested above.

Let your son make mistakes, and give him the knowledge he needs to learn and grow from his mistakes. Set firm boundaries as necessary and hold your son accountable for his actions, but never stop treating him with love.

What you say is the most likely scenario, I absolutely agree with you.

However the rapid shift to remote work these past 4 years created instability in commercial real estate, namely office complexes. These office complexes were once seen as a more secure investment than Residential real estate.

Now that there are thousands of office buildings that sit vacant most days of the week across the country, it's only a matter of time before these buildings are repurposed. All of a sudden there is plenty of land in desirable locations that needs a use, and construction costs are the most surefire way for a company to generate positive financial statements. So all it takes is a few companies to undertake the project of renovating office complexes into residential real estate units for the housing supply to increase.

In terms of net effect, I think it will be similar to your conclusion above. Apartments or condos to rent instead of own.

You think the Sixers will be rebuilding the same time as the Clippers when they have Maxey, and a GM who is trade happy? Just say you hate the Sixers and move on lol

💹Bulls on Parade💹

The first of many today's being the day. Thank you for your service 🫡


We will start to experience Wet Bulb Temperatures. It's basically when it's too hot and humid for the human body to function properly. Essentially, it's the upper limit of temperatures humans can endure.

It happens at 85 degrees and 100% humidity, or 95 degrees and 70% humidity, etc. Here's a Wet Bulb temperature calculator

I think Hinkie would have made way more blunders than Sam Presti, but I think he would have done better by Embiid than Colangelo. I'm happy Morey cleaned up the Colangelo mess, and is building the best team Embiid has ever had around him this off-season.

The Thunder are scary though, Hartenstein scored on Embiid like no big I've ever seen.

The Thunder have had an awesome off season, this graphic doesn't even include Isaiah Joe or Aaron Wiggins. I think they have a shot at being the best team in the West next season. Hartenstein is a hell of a rebounder, and he's got a great touch around the basket.

As a Sixers fan, I'm so jealous of the Thunder. Sam Presti gets to carry out his process, and it's beautiful to see someone make smart decisions in the front office and carry out a plan that spans multiple seasons to build a contender from the ground up. If only Adam Silver didn't force out Sam Hinkie so Jerry Colangelo could hire his son to waste all the Sixers assets trying to build around Ben Simmons while sub tweeting about Joel Embiid.

This OKC team is awesome, I hope they lose to the Sixers in the finals next year

Harden definitely creates some great looks for guys, his playmaking is unmatched. However I'm not sure I buy that Harden is the only reason for PG's 3P shooting volume. Based on his career stats, last year looked pretty consistent with his OKC-LA years from a volume percentage. .

Also PG will absolutely get just as if not better looks with the Sixers than he did with the Clippers. The Beard doesn't demand the same double/triple teams anymore that Embiid does, and Embiid has improved his ability of passing out of those situations. PG is going to be left wide open more than he has ever been in his career. Also it's great PG isn't just a catch and shoot guy. Maxey's playmaking is still developing, so the fact that PG can create his own shot is part of why he's such a perfect fit here.

I honestly haven't watched much of PG outside of the playoffs and stats don't paint the full picture, but based on the stats it really doesn't look like PG only made 3's at a high clip because of Harden. Undeniable that Harden increased PG's percentage though, Harden is so crafty with his passes.

The Sixers were one of the worst 3 point shooting teams in the league last year, because we were built around having Harden. Definitely not denying Harden's effect on a team, but PG has proven to be an elite 3 point shooter on high volume with and without Harden.

The highs are high, and the lows are low. Watching Joel Embiid play basketball is awesome, and winning a championship is hard.

After Adam Silver forced out Hinkie for tanking (which is very hypocritical looking at the amount of teams tanking with no consequence since 2016), the front office was a nightmare making horrible moves. Bryan "Nepo Baby" Colangelo, and his lackeys Alex Rucker, Ned Cohen, and Marc Eversley ruined most of Embiid's career with their front office shenanigans. This is the group of clowns that were trying to trade Future MVP Joel Embiid to build around Ben Simmons. There's already a book about this mess, Tanking to the Top, and at least one other book underway about the Embiid era Sixers.

I'll throw in old minority owner David Heller too who deserves some accountability for forcing the Mikal Bridges trade on draft night.

Sixers fans have been through hell, and we'll see how it all turns out in the end

I'm a Sixers fan, and this is the happiest I've been with any signing in the Joel Embiid era. PG has changed his game and is now one of the most elite 3P shooters in the NBA. He made the 6th most 3's per game, on the 11th most attempts last year, and now PG's sharing the court with Embiid. PG is about to get some of the most open looks of his career.

Here's PG's DARKO compared to other options the Sixers may have had . If anyone doesn't know, DARKO is basically like WAR in baseball. PG is absolutely worth this contract, and his game should age well. Worst case scenario, the Sixers have to trade away PG in a couple of years. If Morey could turn Ben Simmons into James Harden, I've got no worries about Morey keeping the Sixers competitive by moving PG if he doesn't work out in Philly for some reason.

It's a great time to be a Sixers fan

💹Bulls on Parade💹
