KISS - The Hottest Band In The World

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Hello all,

This MEGATHREAD will be the only place for discussion around the last concert and KISS Avatars.

Due to the repetitive posts that have been occuring, moderators will be locking all discussion of this topic unless it occurs in here.

Pinnedby CrymsonKnightExiled from the human race
Day 56: shout it out loud won! Next up:

For anyone who missed the last post this is a series where we take different KISS albums and compare the songs until we have an all time winner! This specific tournament consists of studio albums from 74-77.

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Best KISS concert video?

There are a number of DVD/Blu-Ray of KISS Concert recordings out there. I'm asking the KISS ARMY collective for their recommendations. I'm wanting the best, which is the best?

Day 55: Strutter is moving on! Next up:

For anyone who missed the last post this is a series where we take different KISS albums and compare the songs until we have an all time winner! This specific tournament consists of studio albums from 74-77.

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Rock And Roll All Nite

The Live version of Rock And Roll All Nite from Alive! is the version of the song that become famous. The live version peaked at Number 12, and the studio version peaked at Number 68. Yet the studio version is the version that’s always played on the Radio. I don’t understand, if the Live Version is the version that become famous, then how come the Studio Version is always played on the Radio instead of the Live Version?

Dynasty tour soundboards

I can’t find them on YouTube to audition them, but I’ve seen there are 79 tour boots out there from Atlanta and Clearwater. Can anyone tell me how those sound? Performance those nights re Peter’s issues, etc. Is there a different night of that tour out there that is the best recording? I’ve only ever heard/seen the Largo show that ended up on Kissology dvds.

The riff added to Lick it Up

There's a guitar part in live versions of Lick it Up that doesn't appear in the studio version. It serves to make the song a bit more musically varied. (I assume anyone here will know the one I mean ... )

Does anyone have good information about why/when they added it?

EDIT: I know they added it to make the song more interesting, that's obvious. What I was hoping for was anything that the band (probably Paul) has said about it, if they have.

Why does Paul think Creatures is better than Lick It Up?

I mean Creatures basically only had one single, and Gene sang it.

Paul sings the two singles released for LIU.

I’m surprised he claimed the two weren’t in the same league. They are extremely similar to me….LIU with better production.