
r/Jungle_Mains112.8K subscribers13 active
Champ Pool mains megathread

Hey all Mod here,

making a megathread here for people wanting to post about their mains because there are a ton of posts on here about it.

I will also be deleting any posts that pertain to a champ pool.

Pinnedby keag124Moderator Lord Grompulus Kevin Ribbiton of Croaksworth
Jungle Mains DiscordAnnouncement


If anyone wants to discuss jgl diff on discord as well :)

Pinnedby Risen-MotionDesignerBad player
What do you do against someone perma invading for the first clear and then perma camping a lane?Question

I played a match against a leesin who invaded upon doing his first camp and rushed to invade me. After he failed to get anything more than my flash out of that, he perma camps my top lane he proceeds to farm said top laner.
Match ID: 5032122775

Junglers that are hard but great when youre good at them?Question

Like top has irelia/riven/Fiora, mid has zed/leblanc, etc.

Basically someone who is good when youre good, and can compete with most champs in the game.

What jungler should i get?Question

I want a jungler to get but I don't know who. Nidalee looks fun im not sure I'm good enough, I was thinking udyr jax or nocturne but I'm not sure.

A new Yi build I’ve been experimenting withChampion

Recently I’ve been buying BORK (ofc) into phantom dancer into IE and then LDR, finishing with wits end, kraken slayer or deaths dance as necessary. Man i have to say, playing with zeal feels amazing in early game, and phantom dancer makes up for the lack of AS due to absence of kraken, as well as ghosting being very underrated. I’ve had about a 70% winrate with this build and literally destroyed after 18 minutes because people don’t understand how quick they will die. Defo worth trying in normals and Im definitely continuing to play this in ranked.

Seriously. Fork this game.

Playing with cheater's is devastating. Xerath was landing skillshots everywhere, with no vision. And with 81k damage, Xerath wins with only 3 team mates ...


Have you ever gotten a penta on your main

Rengar vs Zyra

Played a game against Zyra. I was blue side, she was red side and her clear speed feels so unfair.

My midlaner warded the raptors so I knew where she was pathing. I wanted to invade her because our midlaner was stronger early game and will have prior.

When I ended on raptors at 2:28, I saw she was on raports already too. So she was already 1 junglecamp ahead.

I knew i would never make it on time to be at her red because she was almost fullcleared by that time. So I just kept clearing in my own jungle

I pinged my toplaner to back off, but suprise suprise he didn't listen and zyra just had first blood at 3min20.

How do you counter this?

What if kills fed your jungle pet?Question

I'm curious what the consequences of this would be. It could be a way to incentive ganking over farming.

Craziest build

What crazy build worked for you and got you kills

This game feels so much more difficult now? PLayers feel so much betterQuestion

Before the emerald changes I was hard stuck plat 3/plat2, with the emerald update since it started I hovered around Emerald 2/diamond 4. In march I tried to play some other roles and fell down to low gold/silver, I have been stuck there since march. Now im jungling again on a new account trying to get it back and holy shit these players are insane? Like game 5/5 on my placements I have enemy lee sin flawless insecting on repeat, macro is incredibly good from enemy team, spacing, mechanics, it just feels insanely clean for gold silver, maybe I just suck now which is OK, just dont remember people being this good .

Advice neededQuestion

In my last 2 games last night, 1 Sion "support" took smite and ghost and then Xin "support" took smite and flash.

Both games went completely different in terms of early-mid-late and I won both games but I would be lying if early-mid game I didn't feel defeated.

Sion game.. he completely invaded me the entire game while his Jungler got to freely jungle. He would gank bot lane when his ult was up, but the rest of the time he spent harassing me. Yummi didn't match his energy by helping me or helping destroy the lane at first. Eventually her and Ezreal did hard carry.

Xin game was different. Him and his jungler shared there jungle but walked together everywhere.. this resulted in a 3 man gank at top in the first 2.5 minutes of the game. Then mid. Then top. And even though these games are in Plat and they were walking over wards people kept feeding Xin. At one point he was 10-0. I just permanent farmed until I got Rabadons on Shyvanna and we won.

But what is the best route for this kind of games? It seems not getting tilted is the number 1 mechanic but I was wondering if there is legit advice/strat for dealing with a support who took smite just to harass you.


Bro morgana has to be nerf 2.5 sec stun going up to 6 seconds if she uses w and r 1.5 should be the maximum stun time know it's dodgeable but still

Tips needed for changing plans when early game doesn't go wellQuestion

I went into this game as Sejuani against enemy JG Kayn and I was on red side, my initial idea was to clear from top to bot to gank the enemy ezreal and maokai with my team's Jhin and Lux as they had cc for me. Then I would prioritize dragon stacking with a stronger bot lane and concede grubs to them. My team is Olaf, Sejuani, Azir, Jhin and Lux against Teemo, Kayn, Ahri, Ezreal and Maokai.

Right from the first camp, enemy Kayn invaded and stole my red and got first blood on me, then disappeared from the map and came to hunt me when I was doing blue buff, luckily my team rotated to help me secure it and we traded kills back. He then proceeded to invade me again and got a double kill with my toplaner dying to help me too. I decided to let my laners deal with Kayn until I hit 6 by farming any available camp but I was still quite behind, there was a point in the game when he hit lvl 18 and I was still lvl 14. We ended up winning because we played together as a team and capitalize on some lucky baron steals and picks and never flamed each other ( Although they definitely had the right to flame me for how badly I suck)

Question is, what things can I do to prevent this sort of invades ? Off the top of my head when I reviewed the game was to:

1) Circle the jg quadrant I plan on clearing/ Warding the entrance to my jg at 1 min so I know they arent there

2) Instead of doing blue right away, I can do wolves/gromp instead as he had a ward at my blue and I didnt get sweepers ( I wanted to use trinket to ward my entrance to prevent further invades)

Any further tips when playing from behind ?

PS: humble bragging for the 4 honours and also the compliment from my Jhin, league can be incredibly fun when everyone in the team just come together and play as one.



Working on a statistic Website to help you improve in jungleDiscussion


I’m currently working on a website for League of Legends players (already riot approved), which offers unique statistics that you won’t find on platforms like OP.GG, U.GG, or Lolalytics.

What it already has:

  • 1v1 Winrates by Level: Compare how two champions perform against each other in solo fights at each level from 1 to 18. For example, you can see the win percentage for Darius vs. Garen at level 1, 2, 3, and so on.
  • Counter Search Tool: Input a champion’s name and find out which champions have overall the best win rates against them in 1v1 fights, based on millions of solo kills data.

While this website currently focuses more on Toplane / Midlane based games, I also want to add some statistics for junglers now.

So my question is, are there any specific stats that you wish would exist, that could help you improve in jungle, that are currently not available on other websites? Like best jungle pathings and average jungle clear times for each champion, invade statistics...

Feel free to share some suggestions.

Spam ganking junglersChampion

What junglers really put just ganking constantly over farming? I know no matter what you still have to farm but just when ganking is more helpful in general then farming a ton like shyvana

Bronze life

I only had time for two games last night. May have time for one tonight.

Last night my first game, I had 80%kp, most dmg, only positive kd and highest farm in the game. The next most successful player was 1-3 mid with 20 less cs then enemy at 15.

I decided to play support. Again, most dmg, highest kp% (4/6 total kills at 15 mins). My adc, despite having zero pressure from their support and adc had 43 cs by the time the enemy adc, whom I had killed twice, finished her item.

Dice roll, cause I get the opposite too. But the skill gap in bronze is very difficult to climb put of.

Edit: I'm trash. Ty for rant.

-ppl will say maybe the farming was a factor. But would 3-0 fed top with ult and both summons at 6 mins make sense? Or perhaps the 2 item adc who is also fed against our support with belt and t1 boots. Or would perhaps getting an item ahead of their jg to (hopefully) contest the dragons solo make more sense?

-maybe not taking kills from adc would help, but I'm sitting here making enemy adc and support cower under tower, and she misses all cs. You tell me that's not a situation to take kills...

Emerald elo smurfs are funny

Whenever these lvl 30-50 accounts with 8+ win streak lose they start talking shit about you for some reason.

Legit I rarely talk at all chat and lmfao, everytime they lose they talk like “You didnt carry”, “I gapped you”… mind you I didnt type all chat at all, hell my mid laner was flaming me even.

Is it their ego? Like dude I picked lillia 1st and you last picked rengar. Ofc Im not gonna carry this game, your champ counters mine even when Im 1 item ahead 😂😂😂.

It’s the 4th time it happened to me and 3/4 they are rengar mains, Im now wondering if it’s the same person on different accounts.

I really enjoy supportive junglers

I really like playing supportive junglers, things like Taric, Shen, Ivern. Are there other champs that work well in that play style? I'm not as good mechanically as I was when I was younger so simple things that can force my teammates to be good are ideal for me