From Bronze 4 to Plat 2 in a month

I've been playing since 09 and have always been really toxic. Ngl. I've been Bronze, Silver, Gold and one time in Season 5 I was Plat but ever since then I've been as low as Iron. I decided I was going to quit trolling and play for real. I assume I'll be Emerald by tonight.

Things I did

-Quit typing -Worked on my clear times -Quit letting teammates pressure me into ganks that were bad -Started looking at what our team needed versus auto piloting (Like weaker team, I'm going to prioritize Dragon win condition.. Yorick/Tryn top I'm prioritizing Grubs/Rift for quick easy game) -Got my confidence in my ganks by limit testing -Adjusting builds based on comps -Turned off autopilot