In my last 2 games last night, 1 Sion "support" took smite and ghost and then Xin "support" took smite and flash.

Both games went completely different in terms of early-mid-late and I won both games but I would be lying if early-mid game I didn't feel defeated.

Sion game.. he completely invaded me the entire game while his Jungler got to freely jungle. He would gank bot lane when his ult was up, but the rest of the time he spent harassing me. Yummi didn't match his energy by helping me or helping destroy the lane at first. Eventually her and Ezreal did hard carry.

Xin game was different. Him and his jungler shared there jungle but walked together everywhere.. this resulted in a 3 man gank at top in the first 2.5 minutes of the game. Then mid. Then top. And even though these games are in Plat and they were walking over wards people kept feeding Xin. At one point he was 10-0. I just permanent farmed until I got Rabadons on Shyvanna and we won.

But what is the best route for this kind of games? It seems not getting tilted is the number 1 mechanic but I was wondering if there is legit advice/strat for dealing with a support who took smite just to harass you.