Been married 16 years and the things I’ll mention bellow are from a time I didn’t know how to use my voice. She did something this week that has me pissed (last post)

She would throw away food I made for DH and cook something different.

She would yell at me while at parties as if I was a kid, embarrassing me in front of everyone.

She would give me things like clothes, dishes, kitchen stuff then ask for it back after a while.

She would get “sick” whenever she knew me and DH were having a night out to ourselves.

Threatened to call CPS multiple times just because I didn’t follow her way on how to dress them and what to feed them.

She didn’t allow my family to come in to MY home after I delivered my first baby, I was sleeping and didn’t have a phone back then so I thought my mom and aunt just didn’t come to see the baby.

When we moved in with her (different state) she would hang up on my family and sometimes would deny I lived there.

Disconnected the internet service so I wouldn’t contact my family via facebook (smartphones we’re barely a thing back then.

Made me cry at most of my kids parties

And there’s many more I can keep on going. I think the unfortunate thing in my case is she always did these things in a way that DH wouldn’t see, and it was always my word against hers.

Few years back DH finally started seeing the inconsistency, she’s getting older and less careful. So now we have boundaries, she keeps pushing them, it will most likely end up in full NC and it makes me sad because it’ll hurt DH.