So I (26m) am a pretty confident, fairly good looking dude. Because of that I don't really have a problem with getting dates. What I do have a problem with are the dates themself. I feel like everytime I go on a date, it's the same story. We go for some coffee, we talk, we laugh. I try to ask questions, be attentive and all that good stuff. At the end, we say stuff like "it was fun" and go our seperate ways. No spark, no romance, just some good friendly conversation. I feel like maybe I should make some more bold moves like touching, complimenting and such but if I just think "ok I need to touch her hand" it's probably gonna be creepy and forced. I really don't want to make the girl uncomfotable. I guess my question comes down to "how to flirt on a first date to not be a creep"