I believe that Gen X has the best quality: we appreciate dark humor.

We went through grammar school telling dead baby jokes, we watched TV telling us we’re gonna die from AIDS, or drugs, or nukes. We watched 7 astronauts literally die on live TV. We had relatives who served in Viet Nam and came back fucked up!

So I think we appreciate applying levity in generous portions when things are truly horrible.

But kids these day (and I’m lumping Millennials and Gen Z into this) are sooo fucking sensitive. I post a joke about a tragedy, and I’m downvoted all to hell. Fine. Then the comments. “you’re terrible” or “that’s so hurtful” or “how would you feel if that was your family.”

When my father was on his deathbed from lung cancer, we joked about it. Cuz fuck it.

Maybe because we didn’t have “safe spaces” or “mercy rules” we had to deal with shit and learn that life goes on.

Anyone else appreciate a truly morbid sense of humor?