I’ve had anaphylactic allergies since 2011. I have allergies to 10+ different foods. It’s so much that I have to carry little printout cards to give to restaurants when I go out.

Navigating the workplace, social settings, especially as an adult (26) is debilitating, and this is setting aside my Celiac and T1D. Having to explain the severity of my allergies is extremely embarrassing, especially when I have to advocate for myself.

I’m wondering if there is anyone else here with a similar situation. I don’t know a single person who can provide a perspective that would reflect what someone with 10+ allergies goes through. In other words, I don’t know or have anyone to talk to with the same capacity and severity of food allergies.

I had an event today occur that wasn’t an anaphylactic reaction or risk of one occurring, but had to do with the quality of the food I received compared to everyone else in my party.

I don’t feel comfortable going into details, but I’m constantly subjected to “burger patty with nothing else on a plate” and bringing vending machine snacks to restaurants because they couldn’t accommodate me for whatever reason. It feels like, whenever I get upset about the quality of my food, it’s just perceived as being a brat throwing a tantrum.

Am I wrong for not wanting to be in those situations? Am I wrong for wanting to be included, not just not excluded? It feels embarrassing for having to stand up for myself even for just the quality of my food to be the same as the people around me.

I’m not asking for caviar. I’ve literally had restaurant a give me ingredients on a plate because they were so nervous about preparing my food themselves. Am I wrong for thinking this is weird?

For those with numerous allergies, how do you cope? I truly do not know how to direct my emotions.