So I go into McDonalds, and I put in my order at the kiosk. I'm order 929 and they're in the middle of the lunch rush and they're on 912. I'm looking to be here a while. So I go and sit down and play on my phone to wait.

After a while I hear "928! 929!" shouted and I get up to go get my food. 928 is getting their bag and they grab and go. I'm walking to get my bag and a woman storms past me and starts complaining about her large and complicated order being wrong. Don't remember details, wasn't really in the mood. I try and wait until she can finish talking to the manager but her rant goes on and on. To hear her talk, you'd think that the staff just threw random food into her bag without even glancing at the order screen.

So I say "Excuse me? May I get my bag please?" The woman snaps back "You wait your goddamned turn!" and goes back to raving at the manager.

This is where the manager fucked up. At least he did in this woman's eyes. He grabbed my bag and handed it to me. I grabbed it, thanked the manager and headed for the door. The woman's tirade got worse and she was near to full on yelling. I just walked out the door, got in my car and drove off.