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Failed Courtships??JUST FOR FUN

How many "confirmed" failed courtships have the Duggars had?? I know Josiah had one but I don't know about any others. I saw a Bates post talking about their failed courtships and they have quite a few. Why are the Bates failed courtships more public than the Duggars??

Pest left Anna holding the bag for zombie Duggar lawsuit and guess who signs for the legal papersAT LEAST SHE HAS A HUSBAND

Before the Pest arrest happened, Pest had a company called ALB Investments which I presume was involved in Duggar family real estate rackets.

Back in 2019, somebody sued that company in a real estate lawsuit to quiet title. For whatever reason, Pest and his lawyers could never get their act together for that lawsuit and suffered many setbacks and humiliations.

About five years later, and this lawsuit still isn't quite over. Pest's company lost the lawsuit and lost the appeal. The plaintiff and the plaintiff's lawyers got a judgment for attorneys fees, which Pest's company never paid. That's not surprising because the company is dissolved and defunct. Still, the plaintiff's lawyer is not dropping it and filed for contempt.



The plaintiff probably won't get any money as the company is probably long since worthless, but whoever gets served with these contempt papers has to go to trouble of throwing them in the trash or avoiding the process server or mailman. And who did they serve these contempt papers on?


That's right. Pest's good old ever faithful helpmeet Anna. Since darling husband Pest is in the Federal clink, she is left holding the bag and receiving contempt papers from creditors chasing her husband's sham businesses. Now Anna doesn't actually have to pay this debt herself, but she's probably tired of getting served papers because of Pest's ongoing legal problems. At least she has a husband, am I right?

After Pest and Travis Story disappeared from the scene, Anna was left as the registered agent for this company.


That means she is supposed to receive any legal papers directed to ALB Investments. There was supposed to be a contempt hearing held on May 22. I don't know if anything happened or if Anna or anybody else appeared on behalf of the company.

Although I have blacked out the address, rest assured it is the TTH address. But don't take my word for it. Because do you know who ended up signing the mail receipt for the contempt papers?


Although the legal contempt papers were addressed to Anna, it was Meech who signed for them when the mail came along. And how can we be sure it was Meech who signed for it?


Yes, even when she's signing for tedious legal contempt papers directed to her daughter-in-law, Meech makes sure to dot her "i's" with her faithful servant's heart.

by Megalodon481Every Spurgeon's Sacred
This whole family has lost their wayA NEW SEASON OF LIFE

Jessa is now showing off her legs for ad revenue. Even Jana, who learned photoshop just to cover up indecent body parts, wears shorts. They are a long way from home. What happened to the Duggar children?

When did FOMO and greed/money overtake their religious self righteousness?

Did this all start because of Pest's indiscretions made public?

What does Dimbulb think about how the girls turned out?

Was all of this an act by Dimbulb or was there a time when he genuinely believed in the cult?

by aceshighsaystrading one cult for another
Ever Christian?IS THIS A SIN?

At any point in his life has boob ever been a true Christian, believing in God, honestly helped someone in need; or did he figure out extremely early on (in childhood) that Christianity was a role to play; (people thinking what a good nice boy he is) when in reality he was slowly building up control of others?


Here is Garrett Morris, the Headmaster of the Segoville Institute for the Hard of Hearing:

Our top story tonight.... Josh Duggar is still Guilty AF! Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow!

by AndreaD71HavefunstormintheSnarkCastle!
Jana’s new YouTube vid JANA'S FAILURE TO LAUNCH

Jana posted on Instagram announcing life updates… I ran to this sub, and nothing… so forced myself to watch it. It’s all about her farm and garden. Need some sneak. (I’m sorry if this is boring, I’m not great at this)

I wonder how much the “loyal” kids have to tithe to JBJUST FOR FUN

Since he has no income do you think he accepts a 10% tithe or is it more?

EDIT: /s since it didn't translate...

by jack_attack89Josh’s sinful corn watching
Joy Announces the End of Weekly VlogsFORSYTHS

Joy has announced the end of weekly youtube vlogs but will still post occasionally. She cites privacy for her children and prioritising other things eg: school.

She couldn't help herself with the clickbait title...lol

by JumpGlittering8120Too Much Information, Joy.
Fixed Jinger’s new book!CALIFORNIA SCHEMING
Fixed Jinger’s new book!
by sweet_tea_94Patriarch Appeaser by Jinger Juggalo
Joy quitting YouTube ELIJ: EXPLAIN LIKE I'M JOY

Did anyone watch her YouTube video? Can someone give me the TLDR?

Thought Experiment. What if….JUST FOR FUN

What if TLC had never canceled the show, and production continued?

Would JB have continued to make new episodes and rake in money during the arrest and trial of JD? Would JB have pulled the plug and spared his family the pain of airing all of the dirty laundry? How far would JB go for money?

Imagine the ratings if the show had been produced through the trial. JB would have had a moral dilemma.

Remember please that Josh Duggar is in jail!2 CONVICTIONS AND COUNTING

I'm just rewatching Shiny Happy People (lol Paul and Morgan) and it just hit me that Josh is still in jail and will be there for AT LEAST eight more years! It's a great day to remember this fact!

by CKREM(and Kaylee)