Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer who, while trying to demonstrate how the victim might have accidentally shot himself, shot himself and died. He then won the case.

Clement Vallandigham was a notable lawyer and politician in the 19th century, known for his opposition to the Civil War and his advocacy for civil liberties. In a dramatic turn of events that seems almost too bizarre to be true, Vallandigham met his untimely end due to a tragic mishap during a court case in 1871.

He was defending Thomas McGehan, who was accused of murder during a barroom brawl. Vallandigham’s defense strategy hinged on demonstrating that the victim could have accidentally shot himself while drawing his pistol. To prove this, Vallandigham conducted a demonstration with what he believed was an unloaded gun. Tragically, he picked up a loaded pistol by mistake and shot himself, inflicting a fatal wound (Source).