Basically; Democrats = Mussolini (who didn't focus on the social hierarchy as much as the Nazis in Germany)

Republicans = Hitler Nazis

Fascism is the state and corporations folding into each other. It's when the government goes against popular support and bolsters private citizens who own industry. The only catch is the businessman is more under the thumb in that the government is more directly picking the winners and loser to further their political agenda.

It pretty much sounds like both parties to me..

"Fascism (⫽ˈfæʃɪzəm⫽ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism"

Maybe you don't like it. But Hillary meets the Criteria along with Trump.

They are both nationalist. (They will put down other countries and their sovereignty if it furthers the nations interest)

(Militarism: an obvious yes... if your ignoring that Hillary and Dems/Repubs are war hawks you are a fool)

Forcibly suppression of opposition: go to a Free Palestinian protest and see how nice the cops are to you under Bidens leadership. We all saw how the cops were during george floyd..

Social Hierarchy: this is where the dems are a smidgen better. They are fine with social causes aslong as they don't hinder capital or the war machine. I've seen so many media pundits go "Why is the lgbtq community supporting the palestinians??!!! They arnt really lgbtq if they don't stand with Israel!".

Etc etc.

Both parties are Fascist, repubs are just more obvious about it.

You've seen this alot lately. They can't even side with the ""Progressive"" Capitalist.

When Fetterman got a little pushback from Progressives of his own camp when he was making horrible decisions he went "Ight bro, I'll just go to my Fascist corner, screw you all".

Capitalist will side with Fascist when lines are made in the sand, they will always abandon the workers and thus the citizenry.

For real though. Why would anyone eat that stuff. It's pure High Fructose. The real stuff that's normally in Glass bottles taste way better and isn't as bad for you.

My parents give to Trump :/.

They are on the decline of a generation population-wise.

I will miss them, but the world will hopefully be a better place in 15-20 years when 80% of the boomers are 6 feet under and not letting themselves be controlled anymore.

Cops would probably show up and beat his ass on accident.

We don't?

Well I guess 99.999% of us don't. I'm sure this meme was created for some person out there.

I thought E.O Wilson is who created the gene "Meme"

Hmm. I learned something.

Who created that culture?

Who created social media?

Who incentivized this behavior with hopes of capital gain?

Oh yeah. Capitalists.

It is funny. I doubt it's the first time someone's faked a injury during war to get out of it.

If I can see fake injuries during a ball game, I'm sure they happen in war.

Sadly outright victory isn't likely to happen unless it expands and brings other nations directly into it through the creation of a WW3 scenario.

Ukraine doesn't have the domestic capacity to sustain a war defense.

I just wish Ukrainians could have some autonomy over their decisions. It was reported that 2 months into the Russian invasion. A peace deal was on the table. And Antony Blinken and Boris Johnson went to Ukraine and told them to decline it or else there would be repercussions by the West.

These things shouldn't have to happen. I hope one day Ukraine can have autonomy over itself and isn't a USA-controlled Proxy or Russia.

I'm also thankful it isn't Israel doing the bombing there as they'd likely be hitting the building on purpose since there are innocents in it.

During Tony Blaire, the Labor Party drifted to the right. They became pretty much the Democrats of the USA and abandoned hard-strung labor policy and became more centrist.

Parts of the party tried to abandon this corporate-friendly approach with Jeremy Corbyn. However elite party insiders and the media labeled him an anti-Semite because he believed in Palestinian human Rights. So he lost and the party has remained Soft Right Wing economically.

Info: labor used to be a Near Socialist exclusive party. It's pretty well-flipped now. Jeremy was an outsider as a Socialist.

Do my black brothers and sisters get offended at all by this shit?

This to me would be like Joe Biden coming to my town with some peanuts in his Coke bottle and saying "yall, alrighty then and How bout that" a bit to much.

Kamala is trying way to hard to pander here imo. And it's cringe.

Socialist: Let's create a new loan program for individual-owned, individually operated businesses and Worker Cooperatives to give them a greater advantage and leverage in the overall economy against the Amazon's, to take them out of the free market.

Elon: "Socialism is the government doing stuff."

Under the Capitalist USA. We are very efficient. We have the lowest budget and public debt of any nation, we have a bustling and healthy populace. Poverty doesn't exist. We never engage in wars for private interest. And our health insurance industry is top-notch. Most affordable and abundant healthcare in the world!

"The government does stuff is Socialism" - Elon.

Socialist: This is Socialism..

I love my Private Insurance. I only had to do physical therapy for 6 months to qualify for coverage on an MRI scan to find out I had cancer.

Insurance said they wouldn't pay for an MRI scan unless I did physical therapy for the pain, 12 visits that took me about 6 months to complete from the therapist either already being booked up or my work schedule interfering.

Bernie isn't a Nationalist unlike Trump and Right Wing populist.

He believes in International Order and Justice, Human Rights crossed the board (iffy on Palestinians though, he was awfully late in speaking bad about Israels ethnic cleansing)

I've never heard him say "we need to put the USA first even if it puts another country down".

I have heard Trump say though (referring to US troops in Syria) "We are going to go in ok, we are going to take it over. And then we are going to take the oil".