Mother of God. Another Islamist in our midst! How many have you flogged? I mean, you know it’s both easy and effective. 😂

Are you a radical Islamist proposing a strict application of Sharia law in Australia? You should be ashamed of yourself. And deported! Who do you think you are trying to import your shitty values on our country. Fuck off to where you came from.

So the trailer park feel just fine!😂

The bar is low on this thread, but I will pay that.

Oh Jesus no! You had me at “Hungry Jihad”, but flame grilled burkas? That shit is literally off the hook dude! You craaaaaazy motha fucka.

Same way they got any number other than 72 dude.

Strictly Ballroom? Breaker Morant? The original Ned Kelly film- the first motion picture ever recorded.

Would they? Obama’s first foreign policy coup was to achieve agreement with Israel that it would cease further settlement in the West Bank, something which been illegal since 1967. The bulldozers were already moving again while Obama was on his way to Tel Aviv airport.

When a boot is on your neck, you don’t make much noise. When you wriggle free, you do.

And my man was not desperate to find the bit with the taps and soap.

I would have thought the coalition’s no detail approach to arguably the largest issue for government in the post war period to be relevant to the discussion. To which you reply with nothing of substance, apart from insinuating a lack of rationality? 👍

Please define “dies down.” I think it might mean something like “I haven’t seen anything on my twitter feed while I eat breakfast” for a while.

It’s the shitter. It’s an umbrella term.

Sweet. From the days before that photo was considered sus as hell.

Pretty sure this conflict has been going since the conclusion of WWII.