Westport is dealing with a real racism problem and it is going unheard within the district. The BOE has been made aware of a handful of acts of hate crimes. There is a lack of transparency from administration. Children of color fear to go to school. The superintendent repeatedly stated there is “no tolerance” however the N word cripples students as they walk through Bedford Middle School and Staples High School. The N word shouted, monkey sounds, children being called gorillas, threats of being lynched, children getting threats by phone! Children afraid to come forward in fear of retaliation. Children who want to help but also fear retaliation. The NAACP hosted a town hall and after an article was published a woman said parents who spoke will soon see push back. Saying if the NAACP comes back don’t be surprised if the white supremacists come out. Not only is there the hate crime of racism there is antisemitism within the schools too. This post is to bring attention is a big issue and the children need help. Administrators fail to be transparent. Administrators are not helping the students. Administrators are not being held accountable. I ask everyone who reads this to repost and to comment. You can google Westport Public school racism to see what has been happening. For every child in Westport that feels unsafe this is for you. Stay strong. You’re not alone! You matter!