Kate or Eloise or Daphne so I could have sex with rege jean page šŸ¤Ŗ

Iā€™m sure he regrets his decision for to his current circumstances. If he had gotten away with it he probably wouldnā€™t be feeling bad.

You were very kind. Iā€™m sorry for laughing, I didnā€™t mean it in a bad way. Good luck on your venture.

This is a great description of my thoughts around booze.

Yeah, Iā€™ve perused some homes on Zillow in Austin, Texas parts of Coloradoā€¦Idaho and Phoenix and the prices are absurd.

Theyā€™re crazy and thereā€™s so many homes available for sale. Same thing with California too and Iā€™m just like this is ridiculous. Like obviously thereā€™s a bubble, thereā€™s no way youā€™re gonna be able to sell your home because nobodyā€™s willing to pay Three times what itā€™s worth

I think Australia does thisā€¦ironically George Bush suggested something like this and he was crucified for it

Love this response, agree with you on everything

There was one really weird nurse when my son was in the NICU too. Actually 2 of them. One lady was like....I just like coming here to feed the babies. She said this to me and my husband in the creepiest voice one time. LOL! And this other nurse took four hours to get our son ready to leave the day that we were supposed to take him home. Again, it was so incredibly bizarre. Sometimes I think that the profession draws some very odd people. Unfortunately there have been a number of serial killers who have been nurses and I kind of see that now....