Happy 4th

Sitting in a lawn chair, listening to the fireworks going off everywhere, and watching the fireflies take flight. Yeah, Connecticut. You're OK in my book.

Hey, OP, I know this exact tombstone. You said you posted it on another sub before someone told you to post it here. But when I look at your profile, you never posted this anywhere else. Where did you photograph it?

I love the recipe reviews that say something like 'I didn't have sugar so I used salt instead, and since I don't like onions I used chocolate. It tasted horrible. 1 Star.'

Someone said 'That's not a lilac'? Check. I'm outta here!

It was a gift, and I'm so grateful. That WTC pic hit hard though, not gonna lie.

It's a Birthday present. I was stoked, especially about the article about that 'new' FX artist Tom Savini.


And the full poster


The folded poster

Maybe just take a photo in the wild instead of killing it?

And yet people are experiencing it through their phone screens instead of watching.

 I sent out instructions on how to...

Whelp, there's the problem. Did you expect anyone would actually read them? :D

It was OK. The series was tiring after Book 2 for me - I never went further.

I swear that Candy Center Crunch was laced with either caffeine or cocaine. I went full Cornholio after having one - and that was way before he even existed.

Such a great cast, with Ted Knight and Betty White stealing every scene they were in!

I never thought I'd say this about DeSantis, but: I have no problem with that.

1: See Rule #10 for the Sub.

2: There are several per day lately, with the general comment being 'That $20 bill is worth $20.' It's getting spammy.