
This was Friday or Saturday on our walk; picture wise.

I took some breaks from updating just because some of you out there are truly douche bags and the stuff that I’ve been getting in my inbox is ridiculous. I took it upon myself (with some of you guy’s support) to foster this dog. Yes, please reread that: foster. Some of you are acting like I’m the worst human being on the planet for taking in this dog. Yet those same people were not necessarily stepping up to the plate to offer with what they obviously think is the superior home.

For those of you who offered the kind words of support, who sent the gift cards, and all the other donations; know that he and I greatly appreciate it.

For those of you who want to continue to be jerks? GTFO with that.

So, as was suggested to me, 3-3-3 is totally a thing. Having never rescued a dog from shelter other than a puppy 20 plus years ago, I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew that the dog was likely going to have issues, having been dumped and the resulting trauma from being abandoned. But those first 48 hours were a doozy!

I am happy to report that he is starting to show signs of coming out of his shell! there is a lot less barking from my kids. (please note for those in the back: I don’t have human children! My kids are my dogs!) In fact, now there is whining and play bowing from inside their crates or outside when they’re seeing him walk around the kitchen.

On his end, he used to ignore them completely when they were in their crates. Their crates are right by the back sliding door so he had to walk by it to get out into the backyard. Last night, while helping me clean, he actually went up to their crates and sniffed each of their faces individually, and then also turned around so that they could sniff him. I consider that progress as it was all very calm sniffing without any barking or whining.

He still wants to be attached at the hip to me; which I understand part of is likely just him being a mastiff doing what mastiffs do, but I think the other part is is that he still sees me as a source of comfort. That has been the hardest thing to adapt to as if I disappear long enough to make coffee he starts with the crying. It’s getting better, but I just don’t feel comfortable leaving him.

I’m going to have to though because groceries aren’t going to buy themselves and trash/recycling needs to get by the curb; dog bombs need removing, etc. so this week is going to be a little bit more introduction of alone time and hopefully he deals with it OK.

Over the weekend, hubby kindly took time to sit with him in the spare bedroom and watch TV and just hang out. I was so grateful as it allowed me time to move about the house and do things that I haven’t been able to do because he was still learning that he’s in a safe space. Hubby did report that he still whined for me but nothing dramatic and apparently stopped after a minute or two.

He is learning that he gets all kinds of good things in his crate; and after we reinforced it with ratchet straps, he stopped trying to break out of it. He will now willingly go in the crate on his own at meal time, which is a vast improvement.

He was only ever given rawhide treats, apparently, as he’s taking no interest in any other chewable other than rawhides so thankfully someone donated those. I even put nut butter (I’m allergic to peanuts.) in some of the fillable chewies and absolutely no interest in them.

The hair that was shaved around his head and neck has started to grow back in so he’s looking better. In that regard. These pictures are before that growth really was evident.

Outside of that we are still progressing, but I wanted to give you guys an update.