I really wish this mother——- were posting on here asking about:

Should I change the way I act in public? I mean, I’m 40 and acting like a 9 year-old with no home training. Is there a point where we need to learn how to behave like human beings?

She’s adorable omg!

I wish my tri could sit like this-so cute! Same amputation different body type.

Thank you for sharing! I think I’m looking for something just in between these shades but mixing might be something I should consider.

Numbers for shoplifters are much higher than employee thefts but case values are 3-6x more for employee theft. Relative was executive level over loss for a large retailer. They emphasize shoplifters in surveys and press releases in part to justify price increases. Downplay employee theft because it’s something they should be controlling.

This sounds sketchy as hell from a civil rights stand point. Full body scan could easily be perceived as discriminatory per ADA or Title 7.

The impact of customer “shrinkage” is almost nothing. Especially after they started locking up expensive items.

The “shrinkage” that impacts them is employees. I don’t blame them. You can’t pay someone for full time work and they still qualify for government benefits (in many cases-at least where I live) and not expect demoralized employees to “shrink” inventory.

State, county, and city governments often have a better understanding that police departments are sort of a government microcosm and that your skills are pretty transferable.

I moved from being a teacher to a university staff position to local government. I’d try to demonstrate policy development and any program or project management skills on your resume.

My closet friend is in the same boat. I hate excel and don’t understand why she’s struggling. Her bachelors is sort of irrelevant but she’s very smart. Just commiserating…

The advice that I got early on was to be very careful with their stamina. I’ve learned that my front tri can’t manage elevation gains. We haven’t explored slings or supportive devices yet.

We walk 3-4 times a day always less than a quarter mile each round.

Longer walks are a lot harder on them than multiple shorter walks. The pressure on the remaining leg can become exponential and result in pretty extreme arthritis and/or other issues.

I love the dark brown/black velvet-so fancy!

If this is San Juan County, the county is the employer. It’s government, not retail. Manning physical front desks 40 hours a week makes no sense anymore for local government. Reduce in person hours and the rest of the work is done online anyway.

I taught for 12 years (and will probably go back to it eventually.

Cut your losses. It’s possible to become a better teacher if your relationships are good but your organization/academic approach is lacking. But often impossible to become a better teacher if pedagogy is good but relationships aren’t.

State, county, city government might be good options. I’d stay away from working in higher ed.

Prolactin or progesterone? I remember having great skin when I would have had high prolactin. I’m sorry if that’s the case.

I live on the corner of a very busy one way in a very dense area. I think the car saw you running and didn’t like it (thought it was weak or funny) and decided they’d play a game with you.

I see weird stuff like this on my street A LOT.

I would love to move east of where I live (and am going to look at places in 2 weeks) but ugh this map makes me very upset.

Got it for migraines initially. Injected by neurologist. About 30 injection sites each session. Was insane.

Now get it for forehead wrinkles but also appreciate the less emotive face. I have small deep set eyes (opposite you) but my face is so expressive that I constantly hear

“It looks like you want to say something” or “I see X has some feelings about that”