I'm on my fourth therapist (seventh "professional"). Why am i doing this to myself again...

This guy has already showed me how misinformed he is by telling me that because stress is linked with adhd and people who didn't grow up in a safe environment have similar symptoms, that means adhd is curable.

I was misdiagnosed with it for a whole year. Sure turns out I don't have it but those are still my people he doesn't talk about them like that.

Now he has told me about a study where two actors were screaming at each other on the streets without the people who were seeing it knowing it was made up. Then police (still actors) showed up and asked the people who thought it was real to explain the situation. Only 2% remembered it correctly. That's why he isn't sure if I'm remembering the severity of the abuse.

This just made the big gaslighting symptoms i have even worse. I hate this.