I have a good therapist but even now, I don’t feel like I’m getting much out of it. My anxiety is trauma based and like yes… I can take the “charge” off of it.

BUT… when it boils down to the reality of it, if life is so full of suffering and the intention is that we have to manage our reactions to it… what is the point exactly?!

Like why am I considered crazy to not want to process my familial trauma, greedflation and financial trauma, not want to become homeless, etc. I think it’s a completely normal response to a very real and horrible situation.

Some people find meaning but I don’t. I genuinely have felt this way since I’ve been young. I don’t desire to learn lessons or fight through the suffering. It hasn’t been worth it to me.

Why wouldn’t I want to off myself?! How are people ok? I can’t unsee life.