I'm 27, and am the youngest of five brothers. I went through a lot of mental abuse and manipulation + guilt growing up. When I graduated, I immediately joined the tree industry as an arborist who climbs and trims trees. I got tattoos, and I did everything I could to look more "manly" amongst the men in my life.

Honestly, I fuckin hate being around men. There is always this quiet game of "who is the baddest dog of the pack" that I can't stand. I think I joined the tree industry just as a way to get masculinity points among the guys I know, when at heart, I'm a very soft, introverted artistic guy that's not really at all "masculine" by most standards.

When I'm around women, my entire body and soul just relaxes and it feels like I can breathe and let my guard down. It's never been a sexual thing for me. Even in highschool, I was probably the only dude I knew that wasn't scared shitless of girls, I was always that guy hanging out with 3 or 4 girls.

My best friends are my fiancee, my mom and a girl I've known since highschool. I don't know why, it's just easier for me to connect and talk to women.

Recently, my therapist (who is a guy) told me that he finds it a little strange I don't like being around men so much. He told me that "iron sharpens iron" in the way that maybe being around more men will help me with my depression and low self image. I'm pretty stubborn, so I found this advice really hard to take seriously.

But now I'm asking the women on here (and any guys with similar feelings): do I need to open my gender preferences? Would I really benefit from giving guys more of a chance? I know there are other guys like me, but I've never met one (especially here in Wyoming where I live, where the "ideal man" is a fucking cowboy)

I dunno, like I said, it's never been a sexual thing, I just wanted to say that I appreciate all you women out there. I truly thing you're the higher quality creatures to be around. You guys calm me down and help me feel like I can truly be myself.

P.S. since my therapist asked me, I'm 100% straight. I'm not bi or moon lighting or secretly wish I was a women, that part I am 100% certain of myself.