My dad was violent when I was a child, but a lot happened since then, he apologized for being a shit of a dad and he has truly changed his way. He also did a lot for me in the past and now, supporting me financially and paying for my therapy (unironically). And most importantly, always treats me and my mom with respect. He still gets mad sometimes but controls himself, not lashing on us anymore.
Considering all these factors I feel like I'm able to choose to forgive him for the past, even if I still pay the price for it today. I live with him and my mom and we're pretty chill. I'm still looking to move out because I feel it's time, and sadly the house itself and my parents are still triggering me, not like they are doing anything wrong now but sometimes unfortunately even the sound of their voice can trigger me if I'm in the "right mood".
Anyway, I wonder if there are similar stories like mine?