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CATIA Help Thread (July 2024): A monthly help thread for simple questions and comments that don't need their own postsModpost

# Welcome to /r/CATIA!

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This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post. Tips, know-hows, and other recommendations are also welcome!

Please check if your post has been addressed by searching the subreddit before posting or it might get removed. If you have any simple question, please comment them here instead of making a post.

* For more information, check out our Wiki page.

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Elliptical WingsGSD

Hi, I am making F4U Vought Corsair as my CAD project for college. I can’t seem to put my head around how to make an elliptical wing from an airfoil.

Regarding constraintsPart Design

Hy I'm currently learning CATIA and I'm able to draw sketches or visualise how to draw them. But I'm not able to make my profile fully defined and I'm getting to master this? Thanks.


I need help with assebly to my project

Need Help with Missing InformationPart Design

So I am designing a 2 bladed helicopter rotor system. I already have the following data available (shown in the picture below), however there are two very important sets of data missing.

  1. The data of the blade tip design which is having a parabolic sweptback shape
  2. The distance between the two rotors at the rotor hub.

and also,

I have an airfoil thickness of 12%, so I am assuming it is NACA0012 airfoil that I should use, however I am still having doubts whether or not this is indeed a NACA airfoil.

Thank you guys!

GIven parameters for the rotor model

Best book/course/videos for basic and advance surface designCatia V5

Hello all, I'm lookin for a either a book or a course to learn surfaces for free, I already have a little bit of experience but I wanna improve my knowledge on it.

Thanks to all

Keep getting Err_osm_0014Part Design

Hello everyone. I need help. I am keep getting Err_osm_0014. Only when I am trying to save .CATPROCCESS. I tried to save it to local PC folder, same problem. User has all access needed, we seem to have enough space. I did not found any valid help on the internet and forums tho so I am trying it over here. Please help me someone to resolve this. Thank you all.

Setting default font settings to drafting file in CATIA V5Drafting

Can anyone say How to set the specific font , font length, font spacing as a default for a drafting file in CATIA V5

3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Part Design Running Slow on My LaptopPart Design

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA running very slow on my laptop. I recently purchased the 3DEXPERIENCE Engineer Pack Student this month and installed it on my new laptop. Despite my laptop having decent specifications.


  • Processor: i7-13650H
  • RAM: 16GB DDR5
  • Graphics: RTX 4060
  • Storage: 1TB

can someone help me to fix the problem

Symmetry featureAssembly Design


Does anyone know why catia doesn't allow me to use the symmetry feature on this assembly? I'm trying to make a copy of the RHS Bracket to the other side of the beam.

Am i stupid or 3dExperience is a trash of a consumer product?General

So to be short - I wanted to experience Catia myself and bought 60$ student licence a year ago. Right after that I have tried to launch it somehow, but my dead internet couldn't let me download some stuff from their website. I was also heavily overload with work and personal stuff and completely forgot about this ****(poopoo). Still haven't used it once till this day.

Now I got an e-mail that my licence expires in 1 month and now I try to launch it again and oh my, Im sure it got even WORSE. Literally worst user experience I've ever had. Where do I push a button to open a work space and tutorials? Why it has to be so complicated?

Help finding catia student certificationGeneral

I've just finished the "Explore the 3D Innovator Role" course that comes in my student package and I wanted to certificate myself on the "3DEXPERIENCE 3D Innovator - Associate" exam that is supposed to be included in the package as well, but it states that I need 2 credits to do it and that I don't have enough. What are these credits and how are they earned? Any way I can do the exam?

Place text box at particular distance from object lineDrafting

Hello all, is there a way to specify the distance between a text box and an object line so that the text box can be placed at a desired distance from it?

CATIA Imagine & Shape OBJ import ProblemPart Design

I want to import an OBJ file into CATIA and I have found the method through searching. However, in my CATIA, the IMA Import option is not available, and the Import Subdivision option is not found in the Creation Toolbar. How can I resolve this issue?



VBA export of CAD as STL or STEP file in V6/3DXCatia V6

Could anyone please help if they achieved the export of a cad model as a STEP or STL file from 3DX using VBA or python in V6 or 3DX?

Career focus change General
Career focus change

Hi! I need an advice.

I want to change the focus of my career. Ever since I graduated, I have been working in software testing, specifically in software integration and HiL testing. While I am grateful for these opportunities, they are not where my passion lies. I am more interested in computer-aided design (CAD). However, my CV is currently more focused on software testing, and I am unsure how to make the switch to a CAD-focused role. What can I do? So far I’ve gotten 0 interviews to the jobs I’ve applied

No In-Software Tutorials?Part Design

I've been using SolidWorks ever since I was in middle school, but now that I'm over halfway through university, I thought that I'd go and diversify my resume by learning how to use more software.

I - like a fool - assumed that, since SolidWorks and CATIA are both made by Dassault, that they would be quite similar, and it would not take long for me to pick it up. Unfortunately, I was quite wrong about this.

I went through the 3DExperience menu and went to CATIA Part Design, and tried to play around with it for a bit. Some parts are certainly familiar, but it is quite confusing. The best analogy that I can think of is like trying to transition from a bike to a car; they both have wheels, pedals, and you turn a thing in order to steer, but they go about operating in quite different ways.

So, rather than flailing helplessly, I went to try and see if I could launch some tutorials. SolidWorks has incredible built-in tutorials that have you practice building parts - thus, naively, I assumed that CATIA would be the same. I went to the question mark icon in the top-right corner, clicked on "Tutorials".... however, all that I got was this pop-up:


Why even have a button for tutorials, if clicking on the button just gives you a message saying "No tutorial available for this app"?!

I then tried to go to User's Guides, but the website is a mess. I can't even tell what stuff is supposed to be for CATIA, as it seems that CATIA isn't actually labelled there any more. There's stuff on SolidWorks - which I've been using for almost 8 years now, so I'm already familiar with that - stuff for xDesign, xSheetmetal, xFrame, and x3D Design (none of which I have used), and then at the very end, some stuff that appears to be for CATIA. However, the most that appears to be there is a 12-minute unlisted YouTube video for the 3DEXPERIENCE Edu channel where they skim through some basic features.

I don't need complete step-by-step hand-holding like with SolidWorks, but christ on a bike, I feel like a fish out of water trying to grasp even the basics of CATIA.

Am I just looking in the wrong places? Have I done something wrong? Is there some additional software package that I need to install? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Suggestions for Projects i can make using catiaCatia V5

Hi, im an undergraduate student and i have decent experience with Fusion 360 and Solidworks and i have started to venture into the world of CATIA V5 as it is an industry relevant tool, However for the poeple hiring they value projects and outcomes of my skills over certificates, im looking for project suggestions that i can make or build using catia and put them on my portfolio

Thank you!

Need help with the scaling menuCatia V5

Following the catia 2023 student tutorial from the webpage I've encountered that the Scaling menu is different from mine, I can't proceed with the tutorial this way, can anyone help me?

Menu from the video

The one that appears on my screen

2D drawing does not match with 3D drawingAssembly Design



I have received a assembly drawing which does not match between 3D and 2D. The 3D drawing looks like the tubes are bended, but the 2D drawing tubes are straight. There is no CATshape as configuration. Which feature does that?

Problems with RotationCatia V5

The issue is the following: Lets say i want to rotate my part or assembly, sometimes i hold down middle mouse button and folllow up by pressing the left mouse button, the object rotates just like usual and the sphere/roation indicator appears. However sometimes i hold down the middle mouse button and as soon as i press the right mouse button, the rotation sphere does not appear, but my curses goes back to a regular mouse instead of the sphere/rotation indicator, that appears under normal circumstances. If i follow up by moving the mouse, the view area doesnt rotate and a regular mouse cursor just moves around the viewfinder. In addition to that, if i press down the middle mouse button while moving the mouse the object starts to move an a plane, like usual, but if i press the right button while doing so, the scene stops moving and as aforementioned i just move a cursor in the area of my viewfinder. The issue appears to not be related to any other factors, as it appears randomly out of nowhere and dissapears, sometimes after tabbing out and waiting for a while. I have tried different mouses and it did not resolve the issue.

WANTED: Curious Minds and NC programmersCatia V5

Hello CATIA users! I thought this would be a good place to post this. There is a new sub dedicated to the art of writing creative and useful post-processors. All CAM users are welcome as well as all post developers. We want to create a springboard to launch all of the genius' out there that have new and inspirational ways to output our hard work. Please join me at r/CNCPostProcessing . I firmly believe that no CAM programmer is complete if they don't understand what's going on between the CAM and the G-code!

Exporting as stp converts to surfaces?General

I’m trying to export a part from 3Dexperience Catia as a stp file to modify in solidworks. In 3Dexperience, the part displays properly as a solid model with thickness, but when I export it as stp and open in solidworks (or even reimporting the stp to 3Dexperience), the part comes out as only surface elements.

How can I retain the part thickness when exporting as stp?

Surface Trim Error: Is there a better method of performing this trim?GSD

I'm getting this error when I attempt to trim this larger surface and this smaller surface together. I assume it's due to the shared face on the right side, but I'm not certain. Is there a better and more robust way to complete this trim? It has solved itself in the past but when I've changed geometry it throws this error. I have also tried intersecting the surfaces and splitting them with the wires, but this has the same error.

Any tips on performing this trim would be appreciated.



