Exclusive: Kenya Moore Was Suspended, Then Fired After Investigation Determined She Violated the Code of Conduct [Details]


So it’s all coming out now that Kenya was indeed fired, that she did indeed source, print and display the images of Britt, and that she’s been terminated with no chance of coming back and that bravo aren’t worried about legal action because the whole thing was her doing. As a former Kenya apologist I can only say - this is the right way to go. She has gone about this all wrong. Not only with the whole revenge porn thing (at the opening of HER SPA!! Has she lost her mind?!) but with everything afterwards - threatening to sue people who leaked footage from the event, threatening to sue bravo for not taking her “safety concerns” seriously (but I guess she thought showing revenge porn would…what? Make her feel safer??) and for trying to put out the story that she quit and wasn’t fired. It’s all come together to make her look stupid, arrogant and completely unwilling to take any accountability of her disgusting actions. So disappointing.