This. Also he will be further up Kyle’s ass than he’s ever been before.

Even though they were together years ago and she said he didn’t like to have sex and would never……

It’s so crazy he lures her in and then drops her. Sober, not sober, he’s the same man baby a$$

Watch her and Carl the first time they date he’s exactly the same, exactly.

What a random pair. I would love to see the SK peeps on something else. Loved that show.

You put your life or a portion out there on TV you have to expect commentary to go alongside it. If no one is talking then your show is a failure.

Sara wrote the songs so she got the pro shot but she’s nowhere near how good Jessie was in the role. Not even close.

Agree with OP. I really like Gabby, she needs more of a presence. She’s chic and interesting. I would like production to focus on her a bit.

Her reunion performances are unhinged and mighty cringe.

Lindsay & Carl have been to 3 or 4 weddings since they broke up so they are seeing each other IRL

Your sad little attempt at sarcasm is not the flex you think it is so try acknowledging that. That’s All.

Erika & Tom aren’t wrapping up. They just discovered ( what we knew) he’s paid 25 million for her career.


You know it’s ok to let people have their opinions right? That’s kind of the point of these discussions.

Yeah I love them 😂 yikes comprehension skills not on point. I’ve never posted once stalker.

Who is this talking what a dbag. This is the dumbest most ridiculous concept that not one person watching Bravo would ask for. Why can’t they find a friend group in Manhattan for this show? No one wants to see Nepo babies getting another handout.

Are you acting like Lourdes girls couldn’t date someone iffy? Cause I know a lot that have 😂😂

No sorry that makes no sense. Why does she need to consent to it? She already has by having it in public domain. Paywall is not a right to privacy.

No she doesn’t get a redemption arc it gets even worse. This is why I could never listen to their pod. Also over time, Paige has shown herself to be one of the meanest, self righteous people on Bravo. Her ego & level of conceit is unmatched. They are the perfect pair of delulu egomaniacs.