What makes you cranky in class? I’m not talking about things that are genuinely dangerous (like the person in front of you abruptly stopping during grand allegro) or exercises you don’t enjoy (like 4th position grand plié) but just little things that spoil your enjoyment of the class. Here are a few of mine:

  1. When the combo the instructor gives is disconnected from the music. The most egregious example is one time we had a sub who wanted us to do waltz turns to a piece that was in 4/4 and it was so jarring.
  2. Skipping petit allegro “because nobody likes it.” It’s my favorite part of class! I love jumping!
  3. When another student consistently shows up super late to class (like barely makes it to grand battements). I know I should just be paying attention to myself, but often the instructor then pauses to help get the person caught up and it feels like a waste of everyone else’s time.

Whew! I feel better getting that out of my system—would love to hear other folks’ pesky annoyances!