This is just a mild rant about etiquette in classes. A list of things, in no particular order, that folks at my various studios have done lately that bother me more than they should:

  1. coming in late, no apology, joining in the middle of a barre combo

  2. leaving the room during the break between barre and center and coming back after the first combination has been taught, making the teacher repeat the whole thing at warp speed

  3. not wearing deodorant

  4. as the teacher is saying "good job you guys, this is a hard variation", saying "oh it's not that hard, I've done much harder" (it would be one thing if this dancer was really good- it would be irritating still, but at least there would be the technique to back it up. This dancer is one of the worst in the room, but has been there the longest.)

  5. as the teacher is giving a correction, a random dancer chiming in and joining the correction and saying "yeah, shouldn't it be more like X?" (especially if it's the same dancer as above.)

  6. talking in class / trying to be buddy buddy with the teacher (wait till after?!)

  7. loudly sharing anecdotes from when they were on pointe a while back and how much harder it is to do this exercise on flat, thereby justifying why they are not doing well and weird-flexing on the students in the room who have not done pointe and may not ever (especially if its the same dancer as above)

  8. this is one I do unfortunately, sitting in a split during warmups when I go to a new studio to telegraph "hey I sort of know what I'm doing, I'm flexible enough for a split, I deserve to be here" and give me some sort of mental edge or confidence in an unknown space (but it probably comes across as the bendy girl doing all the bendy stuff to show off)

feel free to share your pet peeves / etiquette rants in the comments, this is helping me not be chilly to these people in person. I would never say anything, but it's affecting how I view them and I feel bad about that. Especially the one who's chatty who has been rlly rlly getting to me lately. She has a heart of gold, but the weird "coming from a superior position" in correcting the room /talking about pointe/harder variations MEANWHILE she is doing worse at the exercise than just abt everyone in the room is making me lose the plot.