Trigger warning: Depression

I haven't posted on reddit before but I found this sub and after reading through a lot of the posts I feel I've found a group of people who 'get it'. I was diagnosed with Autism in 2016 (15yo) and am now stuck in the 5 year waiting list for an ADHD Assessment. I have been depressed for years and I struggle to remember how it feels to not be, and have always had high levels of anxiety especially around people probably due to never fitting in, being bullied in school etc etc.

I had CBT as a teenager but it seemed to make my depression worse, I found it very patronising (Apparently this is common with autism). I was also on antidepressants and sleeping pills. Every piece of help that I got seemed to make me worse to the point of suicidal tendencies such as running in traffic etc. I am now 22 with a loving bf, in my final year of university. I used the disability services my uni provided such as talking therapy. Talking therapy doesn't really help much but the lady I saw just let me talk her ear off for an hour each week. Her son has ADHD and she said I remind her of him. Ironic.

But now I am having CBT again as I keep having deep depressive periods, even when these aren't active all I seem to feel is apathy (aside from my random energy bursts where I'm running around screaming acting a fool), and anxiety mainly based around how I believe everyone hates me. Or if my bf says something in a slightly 'off' tone of voice I have a full blown panic attack because I think he hates my guts, just because I can't figure out what people mean.

I have my second session tomorrow but if it goes the same as last week I am going to cut it off again. I'm sure a lot of you will understand this, being self-aware of your problems is part of the problem. When a therapist suggests mindfulness, or meditation, it makes me so angry I want to shout 'Do you not think I would have thought of this!'. Or when they tell you that when you're feeling anxious, you need to not let the negative thoughts in, or you need to breath. I know these feelings aren't true. I know as a fact when I walk into a room everyone isn't going to stop what they're doing and spit on me. It's irrational. So no, your techniques don't work, I have researched all this to buggery. Getting therapy is my last resort and you're telling me information I already know.

I am sorry for the rant there, I am just frustrated. I am afraid that I'll be stuck like this forever and I want to know if anyone else who has experienced this has figured out how to help themselves. Are there any tricks to help reduce shutdowns, help ease stress. One trick I do for myself (In regard to always being late) is when something is planned, I always write down that it starts half hour before it does. Eventually I'll forget the correct time so when I end up being late, I'm actually on time.

Or maybe CBT isn't the right kind of therapy for us? Has anyone had a different kind that works better for neurodivergence.