This is a throwaway account as my husband has my main account. Just over 3 weeks ago, my husband (39m) and I (38f) were fighting, we had been fighting for the entire weekend. On Sunday it came to a head and I slapped him because he was going to go see our kids and he was very angry. I asked him to calm down before going downstairs and when he didn’t, I slapped him to stop him (super smart, I know.)

He called 911, claiming that he had it ready to go because he was afraid that he would get physical with me (something he’s done before) and when the dispatcher answered, my husband hung up. Of course this alerted the cops and they came to our house. Long story short, I admitted what I had done to the officer, and the state where I live any form of domestic violence is an arrestable offense, so I spent the night in jail and am facing charges. I take accountability for the fact that I slapped my husband and am dealing with the legalities.

Where I am struggling is that my husband got physical with me a couple of times before, and I never called the cops (I did not see it as abusive, as it was just a couple of shoves). Our fights have been escalating the last few months, with the last straw before this fight being that he got so angry, he brought a hammer into the house and was threatening to destroy our stuff. We agreed at that point to seek counseling together.

As we had already been seeking counseling, we were able to get into a counselor pretty quickly after the incident. We are separated at this time due to a protective order, which I have actually seen as a blessing in disguise as it’s given me time to evaluate my feelings about this relationship and see my parts in where we went wrong.

His actions since the incident have made me see him in a new light. Before our first counseling session, he accused me of using counseling to better my legal case. He refused to drop our kids off at my mom’s house because she unfriended him on Facebook. He has completely disregarded my boundaries about what I am willing to talk about, even after our counselor agreed my boundaries weren’t unreasonable for where we are in our relationship. Today, after explaining why he was struggling so much, and me not truly understanding what he meant, he opted to tell me he’s not sure that he loves me anymore instead of trying to explain better what he was trying to say, apologizing a couple of hours later. In other ways he’s showing that he can change, actually starting to deal with his adhd, realizing how disgusting a house can be when not cared for, and being more attentive (when he’s not being an ass) then he has been in the past.

Part of me wonders why hitting rock bottom is the reason he started to do things I’ve been asking for years. Why was me asking him before not enough? Can I trust that if we have harder times, he won’t be a complete asshole to me? Are these changes permanent or just enough to get me to allow him to come back home and the cycle starts?

I need this group to know that I know I made a mistake, getting physical is never ok. I will regret my actions for the rest of my life. I am taking accountability for my actions and trying to be better.

Has anyone had anything like this happen? Is this salvageable?